Religious Groups


Junior Certificate Religion Apunte sobre Religious Groups, creado por Shane Buckley el 14/11/2013.
Shane Buckley
Apunte por Shane Buckley, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Shane Buckley
Creado por Shane Buckley hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

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There were four important groups of people who had very strong opinions about the issues such as the coming of the Messiah and Roman Rule The Sadducees The Zealots The Pharisees Essenes


Pharisees did not support rome. As the religious leaders of the pe

Pharisees did not support rome. As the religious leaders of the people throughout the country they developed a religion centered on the Law. Lay people not priests who controlled the Synagogues. Responsible for the death of Jesus

Sadducees: This party of priests and wealthy laymen supported rome because it was in their own interests to do so. They were basid in Jerusalem and held the control of the Temple making them a very powerful group

Essenes They regarded conventional Judaism as corrupt and broke with temple worship. Beliving a Day of Judgement was coming many withdrew into desert communities to await the end

Zealots Radicals and militant they were convinced that the first step toward the Kingdom of God was to drive the Romans out of Israel

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