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PHILEMON- Philemon has a slave named Onesumus, who steals from him and flees and encounters Paul. Paul witnesses to and converts him and sends him back to Philemon. Philemon is the letter Paul wrote and sent with the slave so that he is accepted as a brother.- Distinctive Contribution: Christianity changes a person, and even changes a culture. Love overrides rights. 1 THESSALONIANS- Paul and Thessalonica: Written after Galatians, most likely during the second missionary trip to Corinth.Written from Corinth about 18 months after his arrival there. - Both of these letter are concerned with eschatology (end times studies). Paul had preached the second coming of Christ, and people were wondering why he had not yet arrived. People were dying for Christ due to persecution, so why was he not yet coming to save them? Key theme in Thessalonians is the coming of the Lord.-Outline:---Intro- Ch.1---Paul and the Thessalonians- Ch.2-3---Exhortations- Ch.4-5 (The second coming of the Lord)---Conclusion2 THESSALONIANS-Introduction - Ch.1-Preparation for Christ's Coming - Ch.2-Warning Against Idleness - Ch.3-ConclusionTHE SECOND COMING IN THESSALONIANS- We are in the last hour...we are already in the last days, the time is coming...(Heb1:2)- We are rescued from the coming wrath (1 Thess Ch.1:10), God will walk with you through every trial- Be patient (2 Thess 2:1-2) PASTORAL EPISTLES- Called Pastoral as they are written directly to people known to be leaders and pastors in their church. probably written from prison as well as the prison epistles...2 Timothy seems to be his last writing around 75AD. (2 Timothy should be read with care, as it is Paul's last sermon and therefore most likely contains that which he felt he wanted to make sure he didn't leave out)- Timothy and Titus were the recipients of these "pastoral epistles" or letters(Timothy was left in Ephesus, Paul writes to make sure that he has the area in order...Titus was a Gentile, involved early on in Paul's ministry in Syria and Antioch, and had major dealings with Paul in Corinth..Titus was left on the island of Crete...to make sure that elders and leaders were selected for all the churches and cities (Titus Ch.1:5)1 TIMOTHY- Introduction: Call to fight for truth against false doctrine- Ch.2 is Paul's teaching on prayer and women in ministry- Ch.3 talks about the qualities of elders and deacons- Ch.4 the personal ministry of Timothy- Ch.5 conversation about widows- Ch.6 dealing with the love of money2 TIMOTHY- Paul's last will and testament- Ch.2:2 - pass the faith along- Ch. 3 beware of false teachers- Ch.4 a call to delibarate faithful serviceTITUS- Ch.1 dealing with leaders and elders in the church and the qualities necessary- Ch.2-3: The Doctrine of Grace and Life- Titus is a letter like Timothy, only written to TitusPASTORAL EPISTLES DISTINCTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS- The danger of false teachers (1 Tim 1:3-11)- Good doctrine will show itself in good deeds (Titus 3:1)(2 Peter 1:3) (2 Tim 1: 8) - Order in the church- Qualifications of church leaders (1 Tim 3, Titus 1)- Exhortation to young leaders (1 Tim 4:6-16)- Ministry to different types of people- Scripture, its source and purpose
HEBREWS- The General Letters: written to the church and its people in general (Hebrews, James, Peter (1&2), John (1,2&3), Jude- By what authority are these books written? Peter and John are apostles who knew Jesus, John and Jude were Jesus' brothers- Hebrews is a profound letter, one of the most profound in the New Testament filled with strong arguments designed to encourage Christians in the faith until the end. A sermon and a letter. The author of Hebrews is unknown, but we do know it was written for a Jewish audience, but unknown which Jews specifically, but we do know it was written to Christian Jews who are tempted to go back to the old ways and start following Moses and the old laws again. Dont Go Back! Hebrews is also a commentary on the Old Testament and references OT Scripture often. Most likely written before 70 AD as the temple is discussed often, and had the temple already been destroyed it probably would have been mentioned....this is not definitive but widely accepted. Purpose of Hebrews- Hebrews 1:1-4- Why would we go back? Hebrews 1-10:18 - "who is Christ", Heb 10:19-13 - "exhortation and application"- Christology the foundation of Christian Doctrine and Faith- Exhortation - five warning passages: 2:1-4, 3:7-4:13, 6:1-12, 10:26-39, 12:25-29- The book of Arminianism (the doctrine of free will, Not Calvinism)Hebrews OutlineThe Person of Christ - 1-4:13-Greater than angels-Christ the man-Greater prophetThe Work Of Christ - 4:14-10:18-Greater Priest-Greater Covenant/Sanctuary-Greater SacrificeOur Response 10:19-13:25-Endurance of FaithHebrews Superlatives (Best Comarisons)-Christ is a better revealer than angels-Christ is a better prophet than Moses-Christ is a better priest than Aaron-Christ is a better covenant-Christ is a better sanctuary-Christ is a better sacrificeHebrews Warnings2:1-4 - Neglect3:12-19 - Unbelief4:11-13 - Disobedience5:11-6:3 - Immaturity6:4-8 - Falling away10:26-31 - Rejection12:25-29 - RefusalHebrews Faith-Faith is necessary to please God (Ch.11:1-6)-We live by faith unto death, a life of persevering in faith (Ch.11:13-16)-Faith focuses on Christ (Ch. 12:1-3)
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