Prison is meant to punish and rehabilitate. Prison fails on both counts. To what extent is this the case?


Scottish Highers (Context D: Penal Systems in the UK) Advanced Higher Modern Studies Apunte sobre Prison is meant to punish and rehabilitate. Prison fails on both counts. To what extent is this the case?, creado por Nerhys el 23/12/2013.
Apunte por Nerhys, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Nerhys hace casi 11 años

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It can be argued that reoffending shows that prisons fail to rehabilitate. 30% of convicted offenders in 2009/10 reconvicted within one year. 9,500 people convicted in 2010/11 had 10 or more previous convictions. Kerry from girls behind bard by the BBC survived 5 days out of prison and then started reoffending. Theresa said that the first thing she was going to do when she leaves is take drugs. Nothing has made her want to stop. Overcrowding can mean that its harder to access courses. This can impact prisoners in the long run and may lead to reoffending.   However it can be argued that the individual and society must take more responsibility for rehabilitation. Short sentences. People serving short sentences of less than 12 months are more likely to reoffend. Not enough time to join literacy courses. Stigmatism of prisoners when they leave, hard to find jobs because of this. Debbie had 4 days till release and still hasn't been provided with accommodation or a support plan for when she leaves Half way houses, accommodation outside prisons, own house, cook own food, own keys, work placement and can have home leave, at C.V There is evidence to show success. Prison offers practical courses such as hairdressing.   Some would suggest that conditions in prison fail to punish offenders. Stephanie from girls behind bars by the BBC says that it is not a punishment, she has a TV and a bed. If it was just bare walls she wouldn’t want to come back. Prison officer at C.V says that prisons are a safe haven. “Whatever the system does, it is not doing anything for her” about Stephanie.   On the other hand some would highlight the loss of liberty should be the punishment.

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