7: Divine Unicity


O level (Islam) Religion Apunte sobre 7: Divine Unicity, creado por gary.d.jones el 08/01/2014.
Apunte por gary.d.jones, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por gary.d.jones hace casi 11 años

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concept of "Tawhid" (Making one).....central to Muslim thinking....in all areas of life. "there is no God but God". Division of Unmah into Sunni and Shi'a.....also further divisions, disputes and developments. Dome of the rock in Jerusalem is earliest surviving man made Islamic structure...demonstrates continuity, conflict with architecture and inscriptions that largely refute Christian belief in trinity.# Kharijites argued Muslims must follow Shari'a or be considered non believer.(position adopted by some to justify rebellion and legitimise Jihad. Murji'a argued it's up to God not people to judge sin (Sunni stance). Shi'a (party of Ali)....believe Ali (Muhammads closest blood relative) should have succeeded Muhammad. when eventually made Caliph...Ali offered compromise but assassinated. ...Shi'ite sucession passed to Hasan who reached compromise....but when succeeded by Hussein...he challenged opposition and was killed in battle at Karbala.....precedent of relationship with Sunni majority thus set....compromise and coexistence (Hasan) and resistence and martyrdom (Hussein). direct descendants of Ali became "Imams" ..preserving spiritual and political ideals of Muhammad. some Shi'ites believe in messiah like figure "twelfth Imam" who will return to lead all Muslim communities. Hussein's martyrdom re-enacted yearly in self flagellation rituals.....symbolises suffering and redemption of Shi'a people. Neoplatonism: ascribes involvement with material world to emanations from God rather than to God himself...God cannot be known...only known through negation...knowledge of what he is not.....has led to gap between God of the Qur'an and remote abstract God of such philosophers. Shi'ism and Iran: Role of ulama differs in Sunni and Shi'ite traditions : Sunni'ss largely bound by precedent...Shi'ite exercise right to new interpretation and powers of new interpretation enhanced by role as deputies of hidden Imam. Ayatolla Khomeini introduced concept of "rule of the expert in Islamic law"....based on precedent of Ali's son Hussein...Ulama have right to seize power in the event of a corrupt regime. Unity and diversity in architectural practice: the Mosque. basic function of mosque: place to perform Salat.... basic requirements: a space with an indication for direction of prayer. variations in size and level of decoration many styles influenced and vary according to elements of local culture......adapted to reflect Islamic beliefs.

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