Creado por Lucy Hodgson
hace casi 9 años
The structure is verse-chorus:A Intro B Verse - (male sample)C Chorus - (female sample)B Verse - (male sample)BreakdownC Chorus - (female sample)B Verse - (male sample)
Section A :Only the piano plays
Section B :The verse uses the first sample (male)Percussion instruments used are: Maracas Claves In the first verse: Piano plays held chords, which accompany the voice Drums enter after vice, followed by the bass Piano then plays syncopated chords The second half of the first verse has a different tune and the shape of the melody rises and fallsThe key in the verse is:Am, Em, G, D (Only 4 chords are used in the 1st verse) {Amazing Emily Goes Dancing}
Section C :The chorus uses the second sample (female)The key in the chorus is:C majorThe chords alternate between:C, Am, C, Am and F, C, F, C
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