Stresemann's Golden Years 1924-1929


A-Level History Apunte sobre Stresemann's Golden Years 1924-1929, creado por Lauren Butler el 09/06/2016.
Lauren Butler
Apunte por Lauren Butler, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lauren Butler
Creado por Lauren Butler hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

April 1924 - Dawes Plan. Restruturing of the currency & a new bank. Loan off America & reduced reparations from USA. Helped to boost German economy. Relationships between Germany & France improved and the financial support from US meant that it was the beginning of others trusting them. October 1925 - Locarno Treaty. Mutual agreement on the boders of France/Germany & Belgium/Germany. Agreed there would no force to change these. Signalled that Germany was accepting the borders agreed in the Treaty of Versailles. Also signalled Germany's commitment to maintaining peaceful relations.April 1926 - Treaty of Berlin. Agreement with Russia to maintain Russian/German co-operation. Opened up the possibility of large commercial markets which would help German recovery & increased military co-operationSeptember 1926 - Joining the league of nations. Signalled that Germany was trusted by other nations again and that Germany was committed to making peaceful resolutions1928 - Kellogg-Briand Pact. Nations should resolve their disputes peacefully (signed by 68 nations). Signalled that Germany was accepted into international policy & reinforced their commitment to peace. December 1929 - Young Plan - Timescale for repayments (up until 1988). Payments would increase overtime but would overall reduce the amount. French would leave the Rhineland. Diplomatic victory as French trusted Germany to pay.

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