Creado por Alana Rocha
hace más de 8 años
Print Literacies: •The ability to comprehend and create a variety of written texts, encompasing a knowledge of gramar, vocabular and discourse features alongside reading and writing skills.
Texting Literacies: •The ability to communicate effectively in netspeak or textspeak (also known as txtspk)
Hypertext Literacy: •The ability to process hyperlinks appropriately and to use hyperlinks effectively to enhance a document or artefact
Multimedia Literacies: •The ability to effectively interpret and create texts in multiple medias, notably using images, sounds and video
Gaming Literacies: •The ability to effectively navigate, Interact with and achieve goals in a gaming environment.
Mobile Literacies: •The ability to navigate, interprete informatin form, contribute information to, and communicate through the mobile internet, including na ability to orient oneself in the space of the internet of things (where information from real-worlds object is integrated into the net) and augmented reality (where web-based information is overlaid on the real world)
Code Literacy: •The ability to read, write, critique and modify computer code in order to create or tailor software and media channels
Tagging Literacy: •The ability to interpret and create effective folksonomies (User-generated indexes of online resources represented visually as tag clouds (see the QR code)
Search Literacy: •The ability to make effective use of a wide array of search engines and services, including a familiarity with their full functionality as well as their limitations
Network Literacy: •The ability to deploy online social and professional networks to filter and obtain information to communicate with and inform others; to build collaboration and suport;and to develop a reputation and spread influence
Information (critical) Literacies: •The ability to evaluate documents and artefacts by asking critical questions, assessing credibility, comparing sources, and tracking the origins of information
Filtering Literacy: •an inflection of network literacy, this is the ability to reduce information overload by using online social and professional network as screening mechanisms.
Social Search Literacy: •A search service where results are ranked according to their relevance to use online social and professional network, e.g. on facebook or twitter
Personal Literacy: •The ability to use digital tools to shape and project a desired online identity
Participatory Literacy: •The ability to contribute to the collective intelligence of digital networks, and to leverage the collective intelligence of those networks in the service of personal and/or collective goals
Intercultural Literacy: •The ability to interpret documents and artefcts from a range of cultural contexts, as well as to effectively communicate messages and Interact constructively with interlocutors across diferente cultural contexts
Remix Literacy: •The ability to creat new meaning by sampling, modifying and/or combining pre-existing texts and artefacts, as well as ciculating, interpreting, responding to and building on other´s remixes within digital networks
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