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Creado por Sarah Egan
hace más de 8 años
As a GoConqr Campus user, you may have advanced permissions assigned to you by your GoConqr Campus Administrator. All Campus users do not automatically receive these permissions - it depends on the Campus Plan purchased and the way that the Campus Administrator has decided to distribute permissions. If you have any questions about permissions, you should contact the GoConqr Campus administrator in your company or institution.
Smart Links allow you to share resources via email with users who are not logged in, or who are not members of GoConqr. Combined with reporting privileges, this allows you to track performance for people who are not part of your Campus.In order to perform Smart Link shares, you must have the permission granted by a Campus Administrator and your Campus must have licenses for the users that you want to share with.If you have permission to share by Smart Link you will see an option for this in the dropdown menu under your name at the top of your home page.
Your Smart Links management area has four sections: one to view past shares, one to view your share lists, one to Smart Link share a resource, and one to Smart Link share a course.
You can share a resource with a Group on GoConqr or with a Share List. A Share List is a list of emails that you want to share the resource with. It may include GoConqr members and non members, and can have as few as one name. To create a share list, simply click on 'My Lists' and press the 'Add New Share List' button.
Add users one at a time, or by CSV bulk upload.
You can share from within the Smart Links management area, or from a resource. Within the Smart Links management screen, click 'Share a Resource' or 'Share a Course'.You can search within your resources, filtering by subject and resource type to select the ones you want.
Next you will choose whether to share by share list or group. You will be able to choose from the share lists that you have created, or the Groups that you are an Administrator of. You can add a custom message if you wish.All recipients will receive an email notifying them of the Smart Link. In addition GoConqr members will see an alert on their home page and if you have private link shared with a Group, the share will appear in the Group Activity Feed.
You can find the Actions button on a resource tile, or the actions Cog on the top left hand scorner of a resource you are viewing. The Actions screen that opens includes the option to Smart Link, if you have the appropriate permissions. This will take you to the same screen as above where you can choose to share with a Share List or a Group.
Your Campus plan may include external Smart Link shares. These links allow you to share privately with people who are not on GoConqr or are not in your Campus. You can add users to a sharelist using their email address and get reports on their results.Your Campus Admin can purchase bundles of Course Private Links and bundles of Resource Smart Links.If your have a Smart Links permissions but your admin has not purchased a Smart Link bundle, you will not be able to make external shares and will be prompted to contact your admin. They can easily order a bundle of links from GoConqr.External links are particularly useful for people that you would like to test or share knowledge with, but who you do not yet want to add to your Campus - e.g. candidate screening or an admissions selection test.
When you look at My Shares, you will see all the resources you have shared and the people you have shared them with.You can choose to order this screen by Resource, Group, or Share List. (e.g, you may have shared the same resource with different groups and want to view these shares together).You can also choose to sort by the most recently shared resources, or the most recently attempted resources.
Clicking the envelope allows you to resend the Smart Link. Clicking the pie chart gives you more information on performance including scores for each attempt, time taken, and number of questions correct/incorrect/skipped.
Reports allows you to run performance reports on users in your Campus, or those you have permission to share with via Smart Links. Reporting permissions are assigned by your GoConqr Campus administrator.
Select the appropriate time frame, and then choose a Group, a Share list, or a selection of individual Users to run your report on.Note: You will only see the Groups that you are an administrator for and the Share Lists that you have created for Smart Links.
Once you have selected the dates and type of users, you will see all the resources and/or courses for that selection of users, that have attempts/views withing the time period selected.You can then select which resources or courses you want to report on, and run the report.
The quiz report allows you to see exactly what questions the users got correct and which they got wrong. In addition you can click on the user name to see additional information, such as time and number of attempts. You can also click on the question to see what was asked. You can export the results as a CSV file.
You can also track views of all types of Resources by user and export this data as a CSV file
There are additional options to sort your results by best score, average score, or most recent attempt.
If you have the Course Certification permission, you can provide a certificate to users in your Campus on satisfactory Course Completion.Simply Create a Course as usual. In the settings, select Certify Course and fill in the information that you would like to appear on the certificate.
A preview will appear on the profile of a user that successfully completes the course, and this will open to a full certificate.
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