1. Successes and Failures of the First World War


* Russian defeats on the Eastern Front, 1914-16 * Economic, social and political effects of war on Russia * Influence of Rasputin * Impact of winter of 1916-17
Apunte por ShreyaDas, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ShreyaDas hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1


Battle of Tannenburg - Russia's worst defeat -  over 30,000 Russian casualties- more than 95,000 Russian soldiers were taken prisoner- 500 Russian artillery guns were captured

Battle at Masurian Lakes- lost 125,000 men- lost 150 artillery guns

Brusilov Offensive- failure

Effects:- low morale in the army- lack of experienced soldiers- eventually tsar took control of army = got blamed for all defeats

Economic Effects:1. Food - food shortages - (millions of male peasants were being conscripted) = shortage of farmer workers = less food being produced2. Industry - coal and industrial materials were short - many factories closed (unemployment) - lack of coal and fuel (people were cold and hungry)3. Workers Fate + Inflation - shortages = higher prices- no more sale of vodka (LOL)4. Major Unemployment = Poverty - factories were closing - prices were going up BECAUSE of shortage of goods

Social Effects:DISCONTENT1. Food Shortages- food shortages - millions of male peasants were being conscripted (shortage of farmer workers = less food being produced) - (Russian railway system was being used to carry supplies to war front) = food was not getting to the cities (number of trains = reduced)2. Industry - (many factories closed) = unemployment - (lack of coal and fuel) = people were cold and hungry3. Workers Fate + Inflation - (shortages) = higher prices - wages weren't going up enough - workers were being asked to work longer hours - no more sale of vodka (LOL)4. Low Morale in the Army - soldiers didn't have enough equipment and were told to get them from fallen comrades before them - the army was facing serious losses (Brusilov Offensive, Tannenberg, Masurian Lakes) - resentment towards the Tsar

Political Effects:1. Tsar went to the front lines and took full control of the army (even though he had to experience) - blamed for all defeats in the war after that2. Tsarina took his place on the throne ~~~ mistake to leave throne to his wife - Tsarina refused to take advice from duma (middle class members inside) - German hatred (Tsarina was born German) - Tsarina wasn't trusted by the public - it was rumored that she was a german spy - Alexandra only listened to Rasputin who seemed to be in power - she listened to him and his incompetent friends instead of the duma - everyone blamed the tsar for leaving Russia in control of a German and a "mad monk"  

- associated with orgies - alleged sex maniac -parties, active, (he had an open house) - many people in his house all the time - mixed company Love affairs: - orgies with music-hall singers and occasionally petitionersRelationship with Tsarina - Called in by the tsarina to cure her son of a disease and he managed to cure him which seemed impossible. (herbs, medicines) - good relations with the royal family, people came to him for favors  - Tsarina and Rasputin had a good relationship after that. - Ruined Tsars reputation - Eventually ruined tsarinas reputation once she was ruling because she took advice from him and they were very close - ruined because he had a horrible reputation for being a sex maniac even though he was a monk He didn't have a big part in the revolution.  One of the causes of the tsarinas reputation being ruined but not one of the main reasons of the revolution people probably disapproved very much of the Rasputin and seeing the Tsarina with him probably raised their suspicions about herDeath Prince Yusupov attempted to kill Rasputin Reason: damaging reputation of the royal family Method: arsenic that he thought didn't work - shot him in the back Rasputin was alive and tried to kill the prince got shot multiple times hit with a club tied up body, threw into frozen river Rasputin attempted to free himself but died in the attempt. 

Tsarina listened to Rasputin for everything- people thought she was his puppet and he was in power- she didn't listen to the duma- gave Rasputin's friends the position of minister==============================================- so many changes in ministers that nobody was organizing food, fuel, and other supplies for the cities properly. - railway system fell in to chaos. 

Very bad winter - very cold and disorganized transport system = less food- people were starving- long lines for food- riots started after rumors of even smaller amounts of bread- riots banned by Tsar but responded to by even more violence- Duma suspended after notifying the Tsar of unrest- Tsar ordered for army to shoot on the crowds - they mutinied and many joined the demonstrations- revolutionaries took control of the Palace and closed of the railways = Tsar couldn't get back into Russia- Tsar was persuaded to abdicate and passed it onto his brother who refused = end of Romanov dynasty - Duma turned itself in to the provisional government

Russian Defeats on the Eastern Front 1914-16

Economic, social and political effects of war on Russia

Influence of Rasputin

Impact of winter 1916-17

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