Change Culture


Bsc Hons (PaaSl) Applied Computing Apunte sobre Change Culture, creado por Steve Hiscock el 04/05/2013.
Steve Hiscock
Apunte por Steve Hiscock, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Steve Hiscock
Creado por Steve Hiscock hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

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“...the underlying assumptions about the way work is performed”. “...what is acceptable and not acceptable”. “...what behaviour and actions are encouraged and discouraged”.

“…managers who embrace value-based change initiatives often have little awareness of the causal impact of cultural forces - values, assumptions, patterns of thought and action - on the success or failure of their plans.”

The Role Culture (Apollo)Based on definition of role or job to be done Task of organisation sub-divided into organisational flow-chart of work - system of prescribed roles Communications, systems and procedures are  formalised - rules & procedures abound - culture is organised & managed, not led. Role culture is excellent when stability and predictability are assumed and encouraged - stable and unchanging tasks Efficiency is meeting standard targets - psychologically secure Examples: Life assurance companies; civil service, state industries; companies with long history of success with one product or service

The Task Culture (Athena) Task culture evolved so organisation could respond to change speedily and in non-individualistic way - talks of teams and committees. Culture thrives in situations where problem solving is job of the organisation - group talents and resources applied to project or task. These cultures are expensive - use professional people. Culture good to work in if you know your job - group has a common purpose, sense of enthusiasm & joint commitment. Relies on team leaders and co-ordinators (rather than managers), mutual respect & desire to help not exploit - full of budgets, short on job descriptions. Examples: consultancy, advertising agencies, product development groups, surgical teams, project work.

The Person Culture (Dionysus) Puts individual first - organisation is resource for individual’s talents (in other cultures individual is there to help organisation achieve its purpose). Individual talent is all important - the culture preferred by professionals. Commune culture existing for its participants - cluster of individual stars loosely gathered in a circle. Professional tenure - culture serviced by minimal organisation - management lower status than the professional stars & has few formal controls over them. Difficult to run - only expert or personal power is relevant - ‘stars’ are protected against actions of holders of resources - culture works where talent of individual is what counts. Common examples: GP practice, architect partnership, Barristers in chambers, Professors & Scientists

The Club Culture (Zeus) Radial Lines: Lines of responsibility & function/product Encircling Lines: Intimacy Lines are crucial - Lines of Power & Influence reducing in importance with distance from centre Excellent for Speed of Decision Selection & Succession critical variables in club organisations Clubs of like minded people - working on personal contact rather than formal liaison - empathy, affinity & trust key issues Convenient way of running things, cheap cultures to run - depend on networks of friendships, Old Boys & comradeship Key to success is having right people who blend with core team and can act on their own Examples: Small entrepreneurial organisations; Investment banks & broking firms; political groups






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