Nazi Policies towards Women


IGCSE (Germany) History Apunte sobre Nazi Policies towards Women, creado por ShreyaDas el 01/05/2014.
Apunte por ShreyaDas, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ShreyaDas hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Laws for the Encouragement of marriageloan of 1000 marks to a married couple if the woman gave up work1st child = 250 marks off2nd child = 500 marks off3rd child = 750 marks off4th child = no loan

League of German Maidens- reinforce Nazi views- stressed physical health- housekeeping skills- motherhood

German Woman's Enterprise - national organisation- classes, lectures and talks on household topics, motherhood- encouraging women

Lebensborn- unmarried women (pure Aryans) could donate a baby to the Fuhrer by becoming pregnant by an SS member

Children, Kitchen, ChurchKinder, Kuche, Kirche- encourage them to give up jobs- increase population

- female doctors, teachers etc had to give up jobs- birth rate went up by a lot- achieved his aim

not enough workers in 1938reversed policies as men had joined the army and rearmament kicked in- women had to give up a year to do a job given by state (duty year)- took away marriage loans- less women working then there were in Weimar Republic

Medals:gold medal = 8 babiesprivileged seats at nazi meetings and ralliessilver = 6 babiesbronze = 4 babies

divorce laws became easier:- you could divore your partner if the man was infertile or if the woman was barren

Nazi Party was male-dominatedReasons for his views:- wanted to make Germany great and strong = wanted big population1900 - 2 million births a year1933 - 1 million babies a year- unemployment = reduce unemployment by taking women out- traditional values = golden 20's were bad

At school:- only got taught maths for housekeeping- needlework- cookery- lots of PE = healthy

Germans were told that their ancestors were superior


when having babies partners had to be picked with caremany questions and background checks


ideal race

Faith and Beauty Schemes

"fighting for Fuhrer and Fatherland"



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