Julius Caesar


9th grade English Apunte sobre Julius Caesar, creado por Arjun Hariharan el 24/03/2017.
Arjun Hariharan
Apunte por Arjun Hariharan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Arjun Hariharan
Creado por Arjun Hariharan hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Julius Caesar Background

Cue Column(During lecture, reduce the instructor’s lecture into concise statements, summaries and ideas. Write these concise statements, summaries and ideas in the Cue Column. Use the Cue Column as a quick reference when reviewing notes later.):Video: Brutus was treated nicely by Caesar, as he sided with Pompey. Took side with the conspirators because of Caesar's ambitions for power and the threat of the republicCaesar was stabbed 23 times and in Shakespeare said,"Et tu, Brute?"Book: Four Protagonists; Cassius, Caesar, Brutus, and Antony

Note Taking(Use the right-hand side of the paper to take notes. Notes should be legible and meaningful. Skip lines at the end of an idea or thought to show a transition in subject matter or concepts. Use abbreviations and telegraphic writing to save time. Number the note pages.):Video: Brutus's ancestor helped overthrow the tyranny of Tarquin the Proud, and forever promised the freedom of the Republic. Now, a new leader has arisen, Caesar. The Republic explains that no one should hold too much powerHe started of as a military general in his conquests to defeat Pompey, who Brutus has sided with. Caesar pardoned Brutus and gave him a spot for his adviser.Later on, conspirators wanted to end Julius Caesar because he was named dictator for life, which threatened the existence of the Republic. Brutus sided with Cassius to overthrow Julius's power ambitions.The conspirators stabbed Julius 23 times and Julius finally said,"Et tu, Brute?"TED Answering Questions Notes: Tarquin the Proud was expelledNo man should hold too much power in the Roman GovernmentDictatorCassius was Brutus's main conspirator.Julius was stabbed 23 timesHe was constantly push by his co-conspirator to join the Conspiracy and help preserve the existence of the Republic.There is no definite answer. Some say "And you, child" or said nothing or just gave up when he saw Brutus.Book:

Summary(After lecture, write a summary of the main ideas in your own words. Actively Review Notes: Test your knowledge using the Recall Column. Turn statements, summaries, and ideas into potential test questions. As you review, underline or highlight main ideas.):Video: Brutus may have been the hero of overthrowing power, or the envious adviser who wanted revenge on the dictator Caesar.Book:

Página 2

Act 1 Scene 1, 2, and 3

Main Points: Marius and Flavius are the main characters in scene 1Caesar, Antony, Calpurnia, Soothsayer, and Brutus are main characters in scene 2Cisero and Cinna are new characters in scene 3.

Notes: Scene 1: Commoners are taking a day off from Caesar overthrowing king Pompey, but Marius and Flavius do not agree with this. They ask a cobbler why he is taking a day off, and he says Caesar is being the new king. Marius and Flavius liked the old king Pompey, who stood beside the people. Even the people watched Pompey's success in great admiration. But now Caesar is king, they cheer their old king's death. Marius and Flavius will remove the scarves of statues of religious meaning to show Caesar is not fit to be king.Scene 2: Calpurnia is infertile so should not be touched(Roman belief). Anthony is almost like the adviser, and Brutus is Caesar's favorite. Caesar also passes off threats, like the soothsayer, who warns his death on the Ides of March. Brutus may look like he is in love with Caesar, and considers Cassius his friend. Cassius explains to Brutus that he does not see himself truly, and he can be much better without Caesar. Basically, Cassius is using appeal to emotion to convince Brutus, but friendship will never be broken. Caesar is also being crowned king, and Brutus disagrees with him, but loves him well. Brutus looks at ethics and honor to make decisions. His opening argument is how the people love him more than Caesar.Cassius tells a story about him and Caesar in the Tiber River and how Caesar almost drowns without his help, and Caesar needs help from everybody. He also describes how Caesar would "shake" and he was not a god and his health makes him not a suitable leader. Why should Caesar get the glory when everyone gets the same life? Cassius now appeals to ethics, where Brutus's ancestors fought for his country makes Brutus an obligation to the right of throne, not Caesar, and he has to take down Caesar, the dictator. Cassius uses all of the appeals to Brutus, and ends it with ethics, were Brutus is most sensible about. Brutus responds by saying he would consider Cassius's sayings, but he would rather be a commoner than the son or Rome because of his friendship with Caesar. Caesar returns, and Brutus says Caesar does not hold a nice spot for Cassius already. And confirms this by Caesar himself. Caesar thinks Cassius is lean and hungry for power, and never stops thinking. He is always watching others, and not very fun as well, therefore very dangerous. Casca tells Brutus that Caesar was offered the crown three times, but was almost eager to have it. But, he rejects the crown three times, and faints from the "falling sickness", which they are catching as well. They are all falling from Caesar's tricks. He also explains how if Caesar did anything wrong, everyone would still love him dearly as one. Flavius and Marullus, who were pulling off the scarves, were removed from office or imprisoned. Brutus thinks Casca is an idiot, but Cassius says he is putting this imagery because he is brilliant inside. He says,"think of the world" to consider what he said.In the concluding paragraph, Cassius states that if he was Brutus, he would not trust Cassius and him taking advantage of others. He's trying to use Brutus because Caesar loves Brutus, and Caesar hates him. In addition, Cassius will send messages in different fonts to Brutus of the people's opinions of how everyone loves Brutus and should be king/dictator. Cassius needs to take down Caesar, for Brutus is his main key to success.Scene 3:Casca runs into Cicero's home breathless, that the extreme storm is a sign of the gods are upset. He even sees strange events, such as fire-hand man and a cowardly lion, with more fire men and owls in daytime. Cicero thinks Casca is exaggerating about these events, and men and women may interpret these events in their own way. Cassius enters now. He interprets the storm as a night for honest men who see the faults in the world and tries to fix it, so they would be fine. He braves the storm to show his power and strength, showing his arrogance. All others who makes Caesar the leader would be punished. Casca is basically an idiot, since he should know the dangers that are coming in this supernatural night. And the man who is the danger is Caesar, the lion in the capitol. Our ancestors were stronger, but now Romans act womanish against Caesar.Casca says that Caesar will be crowned tomorrow, and Cassius will be there to attempt to kill him. Casca also says that everyone can escape his captivity from Caesar as well. Cassius explains that Romans are like sheep, so weak that Caesar can pick off the weak and herd them to his advantage. Rome is basically trash, and Caesar can easily rule it.Aleadest is someone who is better than everyone else.Casca will join Cassius's bargain to find others to help Caesar's assassination, and all the members would meet in Pompey's Porch today.They meet Cinna, a person helping in Caesar's assassination. Cassius gives him the letters to toss it to his chair, window, and statue of his ancestor who helped overthrow the last dictator(symbolism). After Brutus sees the letters, they will go and see Brutus tomorrow and talk to him. But for now, they will go away from the longing night.


Página 3

Act 2 Scene 1, 2, 3


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