Forces of Change Uncertain economic Conditions Globalization and fierce world competition Level of government intervention Political Interests Scarcity of Natural Resources New Tech and the information age Increased demands for quality and good customer service/satisfaction Flexibility in the structure of organisations and management Conflict from within an organisation
Why do Organisations Change?External Need for Compliance Technology advances Globalization Legislation Changing Attitudes Mergers/Acquisitions Internal Need to improve performance Changes of processes Changing attitude of employees New Technology
Planned Change: Lewin's 3 Phase ProcessUnfreezingInitial Problem IdentificationDiagnose ProblemMonitor Progress and modify approach if neededMovement: Implementation Change as little as necessary Keep resources to cope with the unpredictable Be prepared to modify the change/strategy if improvements are possible Refreezing Allow resources for maintenance Follow up/Stabilization Implement contingency plans based on learning from the process
Reasons for Resistance to change Substantive change in job Reduction in economic security Psychological threats Changed social arrangements Changes to personal status
Eccles' Hierarchy of Anti-Resistance Techniques Convince Demonstrate Buy Marginalize Neutralize
Actions to Secure effective Change Create a sense of urgency Building a guiding team Create Visions Communicate Empower action Produce short term wins Maintain momentum Make change stick
Common Mistakes Failure to Anticipate Assuming that change can be implemented quickly Assuming information and a rational argument is all that is needed to commit to change Understanding the past Misjudging strength of feeling Overlooking Possible Reactions
Egan - To be effective you must be politically skilled and develop relationships with useful peopleHandy - Focus on the individual in the organisation and challenges the leader to 'live the visions' as it is not enough to believe in it. You must be seen to believe in it.Lewin - Force-field Analysis and 3 Stages of Changes
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