Changing World Systems


A-Level (A Level Superpowers) Geography Apunte sobre Changing World Systems, creado por Caitlyn Grayston el 04/06/2017.
Caitlyn Grayston
Apunte por Caitlyn Grayston, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Caitlyn Grayston
Creado por Caitlyn Grayston hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 2

The model doesn't explain the rise of the BRICs According to the model peripheral countries cannot develop without outside help

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North south pattern began to break down in the 1980s because of;Rise of Asian Tigers economies that broke free from poverty and underdevelopmentWallerstein's ideas are partly related to the economic theory of supercycles. Collapse of the USSR and Eastern European communism in 1990Rise since 1990 of other major economies i.e. BRICsWallerstein's world systems theory views the world as divided into 3 rather than 2; core, semi-periphery and peripheryBRICs/NICs have a chance of further growthBRICs exploit the periphery's resources

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Traditional Society - basic, low economy and infrastructure, subsistence agriculture e.g. MolawiPre-conditions to take off - start to develop, TNC investment e.g. EthiopiaTake off - rapid development, industrial manufacturing e.g. VietnamDrive to maturity - more developed technology, tertiary service industries e.g. BRICsHigh mass consumption - quarternary/tertiary, high standard of living, high income e.g. UK, USA, Japan

Página 5

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