Creado por Lola Frias
hace casi 12 años
vetements :clothesil náim pa :he does not likeil veut: he wantsje méntends avec ma soeur: i geet on well with my sisterje dois faire les magasins: i have to do shoppingles légumes: vegetables la viande :meatmon plat préféré:my favourite dishje vais habiter: i am going to leave
nous allons voir un concurs: we are going to see a competitionma mére dit: my mum saysje ne peux porter:i cannot weardonc,je vais porter: so i am going to wearune chemise; a shirtmais je vais essayer: i am going to try
revise de chlothesone is about what they do todaywhat they did yesterdayrevise verbs
on va aller en train: we are going to go by trainil ný a pas de train there is no train
hier :yesterdayaujourd´hui: todayhier soir: yesterday eveningce soir tonight
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