FCE Unit 7 (Survival) Exam Preparation


Exercises for preparation of the Unit 7 exam (FCE Mcmillan) for the 'Susana Alfayate' School of English based in Asturias (Langreo).
Miguel Fernández
Test por Miguel Fernández, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Miguel Fernández
Creado por Miguel Fernández hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

1. My friend said that I was late every day (ACCUSED). My friend [blank_start]accused me of being[blank_end] late every day. 2. The barbecue went ahead as planned despite the fact that it was snowing (EVEN). The barbecue went ahead [blank_start]even though it was snowing[blank_end]. 3. NY is home to a lot of people (LARGE). NY is home to [blank_start]a large number of[blank_end] people. 4. My mum would like him to continue having English lessons (WANT). My mum [blank_start]doesn't want him to[blank_end] stop having English lessons. 5. Could you open the door for me, please? (MIND) [blank_start]Do you mind opening[blank_end] this door for me, please? 6. My sister talked me into joining English lessons (PERSUADED). My sister [blank_start]persuaded me to join[blank_end] English lessons.
  • accused me of being
  • even though it was snowing
  • a large number of
  • doesn't want him to
  • Do you mind opening
  • persuaded me to join

Pregunta 2

1. The sign means you [blank_start]aren't allowed to[blank_end] park here (allow ✖). 2. When they arrived they [blank_start]had to[blank_end] show their ID cards (have ✔). 3. Students [blank_start]can't[blank_end] use the library (can ✖). 4. She [blank_start]ought not to[blank_end] worry about the problem the problem so much (ought ✖). 5. We [blank_start]didn't need to[blank_end] label our books as some of them were already labelled (need ✖). 6. If you don't want to give your address, you [blank_start]don't have to[blank_end] (have ✖). 7. I don't think you [blank_start]should[blank_end] smoke so much (should ✔). 8. After behaving so badly, Thomas [blank_start]was made to[blank_end] apologise to his teacher (make ✔). 9. Everyone [blank_start]has[blank_end] to clean their room before leaving (have ✔). 10. Our teacher [blank_start]didn't let[blank_end] us leave the room (let ✖).
  • aren't allowed to
  • had to
  • can't
  • ought not to
  • didn't need to
  • don't have to
  • should
  • was made to
  • has
  • didn't let

Pregunta 3

1. Brown bears have [blank_start]been[blank_end] hunted by humans for centuries. 2. Due [blank_start]to[blank_end] demand, hunters have started hunting more bears. 3. It looks [blank_start]as[blank_end] if it is going to rain. 4. This topic is important, just [blank_start]like[blank_end] the other topic. 5. If this happens, not [blank_start]only[blank_end] will we talk to the teachers, but also with the head. 6. She told me that her cat is missing, which [blank_start]is[blank_end] bad news.
  • been
  • to
  • as
  • like
  • only
  • is

Pregunta 4

A cargo de [blank_start]In charge of[blank_end]. A propósito [blank_start]On purpose[blank_end]. Ahorrar para algo [blank_start]Save up for[blank_end]. Al final [blank_start]In the end[blank_end]. Al final de [blank_start]At the end of[blank_end]. Caducado, pasado de moda [blank_start]Out of date[blank_end]. Concentrarse en algo [blank_start]Concentrate on[blank_end]. Creer en algo [blank_start]Believe in[blank_end]. De media [blank_start]On average[blank_end]. Depender de algo [blank_start]Depend on[blank_end]. Disculparse por algo [blank_start]Apologise for[blank_end]. En bus [blank_start]By bus[blank_end]. A pie [blank_start]On foot[blank_end]. En casa [blank_start]At home[blank_end]. En llamas [blank_start]On fire[blank_end]. En oferta [blank_start]On offer[blank_end]. En oferta [blank_start]On sale[blank_end]. En peligro [blank_start]In danger[blank_end]. En peligro [blank_start]At risk[blank_end]. En práctica [blank_start]In practice[blank_end]. En teoría [blank_start]In theory[blank_end]. Escuchar a [blank_start]Listen to[blank_end]. Estar de acuerdo en algo [blank_start]Agree on[blank_end]. Estar en contacto [blank_start]Be in contact[blank_end]. Estar en contacto [blank_start]Be in touch[blank_end]. Fuera de servicio [blank_start]Out of order[blank_end]. Fuera del alcance de la vista [blank_start]Out of sight[blank_end]. Gritar a [blank_start]Shout at[blank_end]. Insistir en algo [blank_start]Insist on[blank_end]. Invertir en algo [blank_start]Invest on[blank_end]. Ir por tu cuenta [blank_start]Go by yourself[blank_end]. Ir por tu cuenta [blank_start]Go on your own[blank_end]. Mirar a [blank_start]Look at[blank_end]. Mirar fijamente [blank_start]Stare at[blank_end]. Olvidarse de algo, alguien [blank_start]Forget about[blank_end]. Oponerse a [blank_start]Object to[blank_end]. Pagar por algo [blank_start]Pay for[blank_end]. Participar en algo [blank_start]Participate in[blank_end]. Participar en algo [blank_start]Take part in[blank_end]. Pertenecer a [blank_start]Belong to[blank_end]. Por casualidad, por suerte [blank_start]By chance[blank_end]. Preocuparse por algo [blank_start]Worry about[blank_end]. Quejarse de algo [blank_start]Complain about[blank_end]. Responder a algo [blank_start]Response to[blank_end]. Resultar en algo, dar lugar [blank_start]Result in[blank_end]. Ser culpable [blank_start]At fault[blank_end]. Sin respiración [blank_start]Out of breath[blank_end]. Solicitar algo [blank_start]Apply for[blank_end]. Sonreir a [blank_start]Smile at[blank_end]. Soñar con algo, alguien [blank_start]Dream about[blank_end]. Trabajando, en el trabajo [blank_start]At work[blank_end].
  • In charge of
  • On purpose
  • Save up for
  • In the end
  • At the end of
  • Out of date
  • Concentrate on
  • Believe in
  • On average
  • Depend on
  • Apologise for
  • By bus
  • On foot
  • At home
  • On fire
  • On offer
  • On sale
  • In danger
  • At risk
  • In practice
  • In theory
  • Listen to
  • Agree on
  • Be in contact
  • Be in touch
  • Out of order
  • Out of sight
  • Shout at
  • Insist on
  • Invest in
  • Go by yourself
  • Go on your own
  • Look at
  • Stare at
  • Forget about
  • Object to
  • Pay for
  • Participate in
  • Take part in
  • Belong to
  • By chance
  • Worry about
  • Complain about
  • Response to
  • Result in
  • At fault
  • Out of breath
  • Apply for
  • Smile at
  • Dream about
  • At work
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