Saying goodbye to rhinos?
The Last Three is a huge sculpture of the world’s rarest animals. It [blank_start]shows[blank_end] (1. show) the last three northern white rhinos: Sudan, his daughter and granddaughter. The sculpture [blank_start]appeared[blank_end] (2. appear) in New York in March 2018. Soon after that, 45-year-old Sudan [blank_start]died[blank_end] (3. die). Rhinos [blank_start]have[blank_end] [blank_start]been[blank_end] (4. be) on the planet for 40,000 years. In 1960 more than 2,000 northern white rhino [blank_start]lived[blank_end] (5. live) in the world. In 1980 there [blank_start]were[blank_end] (6. be) only 15 of them. The last two rhinos [blank_start]live[blank_end] (7. live) in Kenya and [blank_start]are[blank_end] [blank_start]guarded[blank_end] (8. guard) (охранять) day and night to protect them from armies of poachers (= illegal hunters), the main threat for rhinos. Have the species become extinct or [blank_start]have[blank_end] we already [blank_start]lost[blank_end] (9. we / already / lose) them?
Pregunta 2
Pasqueflowers [blank_start]begin[blank_end] (1. begin) to come out at the end of April. That’s why they [blank_start]are[blank_end] also [blank_start]called[blank_end] (2. call) Easter flowers. They [blank_start]produce[blank_end] (3. produce) blue or purple flowers before their leaves, not after. The plant [blank_start]is[blank_end] [blank_start]covered[blank_end] (4. cover) with white hairs.
People [blank_start]have[blank_end] always [blank_start]used[blank_end] (5. always / use) the species in medicine. In the past they [blank_start]painted[blank_end] (6. paint) Easter eggs green with the help of its leaves.
Pasqueflowers [blank_start]like[blank_end] (6. like) dry pine-tree forests or open sandy banks of rivers. The plant [blank_start]is[blank_end] [blank_start]found[blank_end] (7. find) in the Baltic States, Scandinavia and central Europe. In Belarus it [blank_start]grows[blank_end] (8. grow) in the west, in the national parks Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Narochansky and Pripyatsky. The species [blank_start]has[blank_end] already [blank_start]become[blank_end] (9. already / become) rare in many countries and [blank_start]is[blank_end] [blank_start]protected[blank_end] (10. protect) by law. In 1993 it [blank_start]appeared[blank_end] (11. appear) in the Red Book of Belarus.
The natural habitat of the pasqueflower [blank_start]has[blank_end] [blank_start]become[blank_end] (12. become) smaller because humans [blank_start]have[blank_end] [blank_start]destroyed[blank_end] (13. destroy) forests. Pasqueflowers also [blank_start]suffer[blank_end] (14. suffer) because of their beauty. Lots of these first flowers [blank_start]are[blank_end] [blank_start]picked[blank_end] and [blank_start]sold[blank_end] (15. pick and sell) in spring. Another threat is plant hunting: collecting plants from the wild for private gardens. These human activities [blank_start]have[blank_end] already [blank_start]reduced[blank_end] (16. already / reduce) the plant populations.
Nowadays Green Network in Belarus [blank_start]is[blank_end] [blank_start]taking[blank_end] (17. take) action to protect the species.