Pregunta 1
The proximal level determinants of health include:
Provision of and access to health services; alcohol and tobacco use; sufficient quality of food and water
Effective public health policy; income/ wealth; health education
Political environment; religion; social security
All of the above answers are correct
Pregunta 2
In what percentage is health care responsible for the health of population:
None of the above
Pregunta 3
Who is the author of the following definition of public health: “organised
community effort to address the public interest in health by applying scientific and technical knowledge to prevent disease and promote health”:
Pregunta 4
What belongs to ten great public health achievements worldwide in the period of 2001-2010, according to CDC:
Reductions in child mortality; vaccine preventable diseases; access to safe water and sanitation
Malaria prevention and control; prevention and control of HIV/ AIDS; tuberculosis control
Control of neglected tropical disease; tobacco control; increased awareness and response for improving global road safety
All the above answers
Pregunta 5
Human Development Index (HDI) consists of the following components:
Longevity; education; income
Infant mortality rate; longevity; income
Total fertility rate; education; life satisfaction
None of the above
Pregunta 6
The features of Beveridge model of health care systems:
The source of funding is compulsory health insurance; earmarked premium paid by employers and employees
Universal access to health care for all citizens based on residency
Predominantly public providers and governmental ownership
Correct answer B and C
Pregunta 7
Which European countries’ health care systems are based on Bismarck model:
Austria, France, Germany
UK, Denmark, Norway
Italy, Spain, Portugal
Correct answers A and C
Pregunta 8
Identify concerns in countries which health care systems are based on Beveridge
Due to demographic changes, the system needs to support a steadily increasing number of retirees who no longer pay into the system
Demographic changes are leading to increased burden on tax revenues, both
quantitative (increased number of old people) and qualitative (more expensive
healthcare services and technology)
Financial cutbacks by companies, caused by current economic crises, leading to a steep climb in the unemployment rate, and, as a result, fever employees who contribute
Correct answers A and C
Pregunta 9
Choose the correct statement regarding Polish health care system:
The structure and organisation of Polish health care system has experienced significant
changes since 1999. It shifted from a centralised state financed system with a national health service apparatus to a decentralised mandatory health insurance system
Since 2005, the stewardship, management and financing functions are shared between National Health Fund (NHF), Ministry of Health and territorial self-government
The overall responsibility for the health care organisation, in which resources are
allocated and health care planned, belongs to the Ministry of Health
All above are correct
Pregunta 10
Choose the correct statement regarding Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI):
Six subdisciplines are taken into calculation of the index: Patient rights and information; waiting times for treatment; outcomes; range and reach of services provided; prevention; and pharmaceuticals
The maximum number of points is 1000, while the minimum possible score is 333
The highest ranked countries in 2018 were Switzerland, the Netherlands and Norway
All of the above
Pregunta 11
Health 2020 policy target 1 has three quantifications:
Reduction of premature mortality from major NCDs; elimination of vaccine-preventable diseases; reduction of mortality from external causes
Increase in life expectancy; reduction in the gaps in health status associated with social determinants; reduction of mortality from external causes
Life satisfaction; infant mortality; social support
None of the above
Pregunta 12
The total score of 8 points obtained on the Fagestrom Test for Nicotine. Dependence means:
Pregunta 13
One of the health indicators which “measures how long, on average, people would live based on a given set of age-specific death rates” is:
Pregunta 14
The essential sources of health-related information include:
Pregunta 15
What belong to the non-computer based physical data processing systems of hospital information system:
Pregunta 16
One of four major categories of workplace health programs, health-related policies, can be defined as:
Opportunities available to employees at the workplace or through outside organisations to begin, change or maintain health behaviours
Formal or informal written statements that are designed to protect or promote employee health. They affect large groups of employees simultaneously
Part of an overall compensation package including health insurance coverage and other services or discounts regarding health
Physical factors at and nearby the workplace that help protect and enhance employee health
Pregunta 17
General Practitioner is the health insurance physician entitles to provide the following services for patients:
Diagnostics, including laboratory tests
Referrals to specialist health care services in outpatient clinic
Referrals to hospital treatment
All above are correct
Pregunta 18
Definition of Equality of Health by prof. Margaret Whitehead (1992):
The presence of differences in health which are unnecessary, avoidable, unfair and unjust
The lack of differences in health which are unnecessary, avoidable, unfair and unjust
Situation in which majority of a country citizens is in good health status
All above answers are false
Pregunta 19
Indicate the correct sentence:
The equality in taking advantage of healthcare in EU is the fundamental right of citizens a given country
Everyone who needs the medical care should be treated equally, irrespective of income, race or special position
All above answers are correct
All above answers are false
Pregunta 20
Indicate the correct sentence due to expenditures for patients with chronic diseases:
70% of expenditures regarding patients with chronic diseases devoted to prevention could enable to avoid the total sum of money spent for these patients
The expenditures for prevention activities do not have a significant influence on curative medicine
From the Public Health point of view, we should take into consideration both: Medical cost and loss of economic productivity
All above answers are false
Pregunta 21
Well documented and modifiable risk factors of first ischemic stroke are:
Family history of stroke
Pregunta 22
The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends against routine screening for carotid artery stenosis in adult population, which means it is:
“A” recommendation
“B” recommendation
“C” recommendation
“D” recommendation
Pregunta 23
Basic models of financing medical staff in healthcare:
Salary, capitation, fee for service
Contract, capitalism, fundholding
All above are correct
All above are false
Pregunta 24
Indicate the correct sentence:
Global Domestic Product has no impact on the public expenditures on health
Value of percentage of Global Domestic Product has an impact on the public
expenditures on health
Capitation and fee of service are not motivating systems for better quality of service
All above are false
Pregunta 25
Division of National Healthcare Budget:
60% for salaries, 40% for accommodation and medicines
40% for salaries, 60% for accommodation and medicines
50% for salaries, 25% for accommodation and 25% for medicines
All above are false
Pregunta 26
Medical certification, formulated by a physician, in a form of a medical opinion or certificate based on an evaluation of a patient’s health state, can be issues on the request of:
That person (the patient)
The relevant institution entitled to such a request (insurance company, working place)
All above are correct
All above are false
Pregunta 27
Medical opinions/ certificates may be supplemented with various conclusions or opinions, resulting from this evaluation, e.g.:
Temporary disability to work, damage to one’s health
Inability to cope on one’s own, granting disability pension
All above are correct
All above are false
Pregunta 28
Medical opinions and certificates should:
Pregunta 29
Medical opinions/ certificates shall not be influenced by:
Pregunta 30
. Elements of medical opinion:
Formal part, descriptive part and part including proper expert medical opinion with a reply to question(s) asked completed with their justifications
Case description and medical conclusions
Way of treatment and medical prognosis
All above are false