Kant: Fill in the Blanks


Test sobre Kant: Fill in the Blanks, creado por Elliot Wing el 23/03/2016.
Elliot Wing
Test por Elliot Wing, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Elliot Wing
Creado por Elliot Wing hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Kantian Ethics is a non-religious, [blank_start]absolutist[blank_end] theory, which means that if one thing is wrong in a certain situation, it is wrong in all situations. All moral rules are [blank_start]universal[blank_end] and every decision is objective, so it is the same for everyone in all situations. It is [blank_start]deontological[blank_end], so deciding whether or not something is right is based on [blank_start]intention[blank_end], derived through [blank_start]reason[blank_end] and a sense of duty and good will, rather than the outcome of the act. Kant believes that everyone is free to make their own decisions, due to having [blank_start]free will[blank_end]. He believes that we have an [blank_start]innate knowledge[blank_end] of what is right and wrong, and that knowledge is [blank_start]a-priori[blank_end] or before experience.
  • Consequentialist
  • Absolutist
  • Teleological
  • Relativist
  • Universal
  • Practical
  • Subjective
  • Relativist
  • Intrinsic
  • Moral
  • Fundamentalist
  • Deontological
  • Reason
  • God
  • Experience
  • St. Paul
  • Agape love
  • Empirical knowledge
  • Conscience
  • Free will
  • Objective
  • Innate knowledge
  • Euthyphro dilemma
  • Incredible sense of smell
  • a-priori
  • a-posteriori
  • a-pastiriori
  • a-prosteriori
  • The Bible
  • Pleasure
  • Consequence
  • Intention
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