ADCP Ems Duties & Notification Procedures within the Bureau of Operstions
Professional Ambulance Commander Test sobre ADCP Ems Duties & Notification Procedures within the Bureau of Operstions, creado por julio_mendoza el 26/03/2016.
When the ADCP arrives at a 2-11 alarm to whom should he report to and maintains all communication?
2nd arriving Battalion Chief
Command Van
Communications Chief
Incident Commander
Pregunta 2
ADCP will be dispatched by OEMC to what events?
All Ems Plans (1,2,3) 2-11 & Still/Box
Working Fires, Subway events & pin-in-accidents
Ems Plans (1-2-3) & 2-11alarms
All Plans (1-2-3) & All fires
Pregunta 3
ADCP is dispatched to a Ems Plan 1 High-Rise fire on 55 North Wacker. Arriving on scene the Incident Commander knows the ADCP will ensure the 1st FC is located ________, 2nd FC is located________& 3rd FC is located_____________?