

El usuario ha eliminado su información de asignaturas Test sobre Other, creado por Usuario eliminado el 19/08/2016.
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LeeAnna Shepherd
Creado por LeeAnna Shepherd hace más de 8 años
LeeAnna Shepherd
Copiado por LeeAnna Shepherd hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Gas Delivery Systems Blenders: to deliver [blank_start]precise[blank_end] O2 Equalizes inlet pressure of air and o2 Precision metering device – [blank_start]proportioning[blank_end] valve Low pressure alarm Can be used with a [blank_start]nonrebreather[blank_end] mask to deliver precise O2 Flowmeters Controls gas flow to patient Flow indicated by [blank_start]ball[blank_end] Different gases will cause [blank_start]inaccurate[blank_end] readings
  • precise
  • nonrebreather
  • proportioning
  • ball
  • inaccurate

Pregunta 2

Information Services [blank_start]Integrator[blank_end] – Process in which flow is divided into very small [blank_start]intervals[blank_end]. Flow is volume/time – end result is volume. [blank_start]Differentiation[blank_end]- Device that provides reverse of integration. Flow is obtained from volume signals Data Backup- Temporary [blank_start]Storage[blank_end], permanent patient files, [blank_start]database[blank_end] storage Data Interface – Allows for both access to [blank_start]data[blank_end] and [blank_start]control[blank_end] of equipment during testing 12 bit converters – used most for volume and flow measurements Converter speed – important for tests that require [blank_start]rapid[blank_end] signal changes like FVC Software – contains instructions stored in memory of computer. Most software contains interpretation programs that utilize algorithims Mass Storage Devices – Hard Drives, stores lots of info CPU – Performs most functions in software Resolution- [blank_start]Smallest[blank_end] change that can be measure by computer. Calculated via: Volume range (liters), Signal range (volts), A/D converter (bits)
  • intervals
  • Integrator
  • Differentiation
  • Storage
  • database
  • data
  • control
  • rapid
  • Smallest
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