Geo 222 (Final pt.1)


Prof: Lynn Phillips
alexa  larson
Test por alexa larson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
alexa  larson
Creado por alexa larson hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Which of the following is the percentage of the world urban population in 2015?
  • 72%
  • 52%
  • 42%
  • 62%

Pregunta 2

Describe a Polis.
  • The physical form of a city
  • The ancient Greek city-state
  • The urban way of life
  • The process of urban growth

Pregunta 3

Read the following paragraph and choose the right place described in the paragraph. The ancient city-state was centered on this place, which combined nature with all kinds of public economic, political, and cultural activity. This place literally meant “marketplace,” since commerce was centered here, but it was actually a complex space of mixed uses and intense social interaction, a multifunctional or hybrid space where citizenship was forged, an active “public” realm open to political participation.
  • Parthenon
  • Agora
  • Acropolis
  • Theatre of Dionysus

Pregunta 4

The blueprint of Roman urban planning and city form was the __________.
  • Hub and spoke
  • Grid
  • Organic
  •  Metes and bounds

Pregunta 5

Which of the following is the BEST statement about the commercial revolution of the 13th Century?
  • Politicians provided an optimum living environment for residents
  • Mining areas served as growth poles for the development of peripheral regions.
  • Merchants increasingly became sedentary, interlocking the cities into a network.
  • Cities were rapidly industrialized.

Pregunta 6

Which of the following countries are CORRECTLY matched with its major export product during the medieval era? (Pick 3)
  • England - Wool
  • Norway - Oil
  • Prussia - Grain
  • Russia - Fur

Pregunta 7

Select all the TRUE statements about Istanbul. (Pick 3)
  • This city still maintained its cultural and economic importance as Turkey’s capital city.
  • The Blue Mosque is one of the symbols of this city.
  • This city was called as Byzantium during the ancient Greek period.
  • This city was on the cultural and economic crossroads between Europe and Asia.

Pregunta 8

In Christaller’s central place theory, the average maximum distance people will travel to purchase goods and services, is called as:
  • Threshold
  • Hexagon
  • Range
  • depends on their mode of transportation

Pregunta 9

Of the following characteristics of Rome and Athens, which of the following is INCORRECT?
  • Athens and Rome established the most important principles of European civilization
  • In Greece, political democracy and institutions were based on collective units, tribes and centuriae
  • While Rome respected local cultures, the Athenian state excluded non-citizens and barbarians
  • Athens and Rome shared the same gods, imported from Greece

Pregunta 10

Which of the following are advantages of organization in merchant nations in the Middle Ages of Europe? (Pick 3)
  • The nations guaranteed solidarity among their members
  • The nations opened the Silk Road
  • The nations obtained trading privileges
  • The nations could reduce transportation costs

Pregunta 11

Von Thunen's model of land use addressed perishability and transportation costs to determine:
  • Intra-urban transportation networks
  • The interior shape of cities
  • Hierarchy, Range, and Thresholds as concepts of city locations on the landscape
  • Location of agricultural activities and proximity to market as determinants of land use

Pregunta 12

Centers of production and consumption created city-regions whereby the bigger cities offered specialized commercial skills and services linking various industries in  smaller towns to regional and international markets.  This hierarchical interdependence was influential in:
  • Future globalization in the 1900s
  • The spread of disease, like the Black Plague
  • Establishment of the Silk Road
  • Expansion of rail centers through Europe

Pregunta 13

Previously known as Byzantium and Constantinople, this imperial city controlled the Ottoman Empire and is now known as the link between Europe and Asia.  Its contemporary name is:
  • Bruges, Belgium
  • Venezia, Italy
  • Milano, Italy
  • Istanbul, Turkey

Pregunta 14

Ottoman leaders divided non-Muslim members of their cities and divided them into small groups called __________, that had their own religious leaders.  It can be  argued that these  small religious groups helped shape separate neighborhoods through the process of congregation.
  • Polis
  • Exurbs
  • Millets
  • Suburbs

Pregunta 15

Gentrification is BEST described as:
  • The development of new social averages
  • The investment in new suburban development
  • A process of re-investment in central cities
  • Another name for a Green City.

Pregunta 16

Which of the following is considered the first industrial city?
  • Paris
  • Manchester
  • Berlin
  • Turin

Pregunta 17

Which of the following contribute to building the industrial city? (Pick 3)
  • Mass migration from rural areas
  • The pursuit of leisure and recreation
  • Building a new, subterranean rail system
  • Invention of the steam engine
  • Development of metalworking technology

Pregunta 18

Which of the following is NOT a true statement of Chicago’s suburbanization during the mid-19th century?
  • Suburbs had more people living in poverty than did a central city.
  • Suburbs had more people who owned their own house than did those in the central city.
  • The population density of suburbs was lower than the population density of the central city.
  • The polarization of wealth and poverty was stark, and this division was etched into the city fabric.

Pregunta 19

Haussmann changed Paris from a medieval city into a rational city. Which of the following is NOT an accomplishment of Haussmann?
  • Establishing green spaces
  •  Modernizing the sewer and water system
  • Building a new, subterranean rail system
  • Regulating the design of building, roads, and boulevards

Pregunta 20

In the 1950s, the government began constructing an office center to the city’s west. This area is now the largest purpose-built business district in Europe and its skyscrapers are visible across the city. In 1989, the Grande Arche was opened HERE. In 1992, the Metro line was extended here, making it accessible to central Paris.
  • Bois de Boulogne
  • La Défense
  • Neuilly-sur-Seine
  • Versailles

Pregunta 21

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about Global cities’ labor markets?
  • Migrant workers progressively dominate the labor markets.
  • The number of middle-skill and middle-income jobs have declined.
  • All migrant workers are considered unskilled and under-educated labor.
  • They are characterized by increasing inequality.

Pregunta 22

Which of the following cities is NOT known for its global finance network?
  • New York
  • Miami
  • London
  • Singapore

Pregunta 23

According to the article, Budapest’s Jewish Quarter has become a trendy place with “ruin pubs,” bars that pop up (and sometimes disappear just as quickly) in the courtyards of run-down buildings. As this place has taken on a higher profile, they have inadvertently become agents of ________.
  • Deindustrialization
  • Urbanization
  • Anti-development movement
  • Gentrification

Pregunta 24

Rising sea levels are an obvious problem for the canal-laden city of ________, Italy, which is threatened with increased flooding as climate change pushes the waterline farther and farther up. And now, scientists have found that the flooding problems are being exacerbated by the entire city's gradual sinking.
  • St Petersburg
  • Vienna
  • Venezia
  • Napoli

Pregunta 25

Which of the following investments is likely to result in lost money for a city?
  • Building a new health care center
  • Hosting an Olympics event
  • Privatizing water system
  • Building a subway system

Pregunta 26

English, as a dominant language around the world, makes communication possible between people who don’t share a native language. Therefore, English can be called a:
  • A phonology
  • A nation-state language
  • A vernacular
  • A lingua franca

Pregunta 27

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the Olympics?
  • The Olympic medal count and rankings are a proxy for the wealth and power of each participating nation
  • Hosting the Olympic games costs a lot of money and effort
  • Most of the summer and winter Olympic games were held in the Global South
  • The first modern Olympic game was held in Athens, Greece in 1896

Pregunta 28

Which of the following is the center of the Nollywood film industry?
  • Mumbai
  • Lagos
  • Cairo
  • Shanghai

Pregunta 29

Celebrities are people we form (   A   ) with, and form (   A   ) through—they give us something to talk about, they provide the glue in an otherwise anonymous globalized society. But more than that, celebrity offers us a way to live, one that involves spectacle and the embracing of capitalism. All of us partake in this, through the packaging of our lives, the (   B   ) and (   C   ) of ourselves through what we buy, where we live, ect.
  • A: associations – B: identification – C: perfection
  • A: connections – B: emancipation – C: perfection
  • A: connections – B: identification – C: promotion
  • A: associations – B: emancipation – C: promotion

Pregunta 30

Which of the following cities are CORRECTLY matched with its major cultural industries and celebrity? (Pick 3)
  • New York – Fashion and art industries
  • Las Vegas – Casino industry
  • Mumbai – Rich music scene
  • Los Angeles – Film industry

Pregunta 31

Which of the following is NOT an ephemeral celebrity city?
  • Milano, Italy
  • Park City, Utah
  • Miami, Florida
  • Cannes, France

Pregunta 32

Which of the following is the MOST populous urban area in 2013?
  • Mexico City
  • Tokyo-Yokohama
  • Seoul-Incheon
  • New York

Pregunta 33

Which of the following are TRUE statements about the Megacity? (Pick 3)
  • It is defined as a city with more than 10 million inhabitants.
  • In the Global South, international migration has been a major driving force of the megacity.
  • In the Global South, the megacities include a small total number of major cities, but each of those cities has expansive hinterlands.
  • There are very few Global Cities.
  • Only six are located in the Western hemisphere and most are found in South, East and Southeast Asia.

Pregunta 34

The polycentric New York megacity, grew from a process of _____________, or incremental but cumulative urban regional development of a number of bigger and smaller cities that have evolved into a single megacity.
  • Urbanization
  • Infill
  • Incorporation
  • Amalgamation

Pregunta 35

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about Dharavi in Mumbai?
  • Three out of every four dwellings have no underground sewerage.
  • It was featured in the 2008 movie Slumdog Millionaire.
  • There are various economic activities providing a range of job and livelihood opportunities.
  • Most residents plan live there temporarily, with the intent to leave the slums after their salaries grow.

Pregunta 36

Cities can be thought of as organisms that live off their environment. They breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide; they take in water and food and discharge sewage; they consume energy; they carry in an enormous range of products and materials and they produce substantial economic growth and piles of garbage.
  • Lungs of the city
  • Metabolism
  • Foodscape
  • Growth machine

Pregunta 37

Brasilia was built and inaugurated between 1956 and 1960 with various intentions EXCEPT:
  • To represent the nation’s new era of development
  • To establish a base for taking control of an unoccupied an underexploited territory
  • To provide protection for the federal government apparatus in case of foreign invasion.
  • To alleviate urban problems of Rio de Janeiro

Pregunta 38

Which city has the highest GDP per capita, arguably the least corrupt government in the world, and is quite possibly the cleanest city on the planet?
  • Tokyo-Yokohama
  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • Brasilia

Pregunta 39

In many metropolises, the growth of creative activities has resulted in _________.
  • Increase in population
  • Increased land use
  • Significant changes in urban infrastructure
  • Standardization of culture

Pregunta 40

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of fashion industry in Milan
  • In the 1970s, Milan tried to make its public spaces; these included La Scala and the Triennale.
  • Milan has attracted a significant concentration of fashion houses and educational institutions with strong concentrations on design.
  • Milan has remade its image through a strategic alliance between the city’s administration and the fashion industry
  • Milan has self-consciously recast its transportation system to attract tourists

Pregunta 41

Located next to Milan’s defunct Naviglio canal and the railway lines that lead to the city’s Porta Genova railway terminus, the district known as this place, originally dominated by heavy engineering works and cheap housing, has become the world’s definitive design district. 
  • Porta Genova fashion district
  • Zone Tortona design district
  • Zone Via Voghera distict
  • Ansaldo engineering and fashion complex

Pregunta 42

According to Richard Florida, the creative class can be defined as _____________.
  • A group of hipsters
  • A futuristic urban design program intended to enhance economic development
  • A new-economy middle class with emphasis on knowledge-based industries
  • A new-economy higher class

Pregunta 43

Of the following characteristics of creative cities, which one is incorrect?
  • Seoul built the Dongdaemun Design Plaza
  • Johannesburg has established a branded Fashion District
  • Antwerp has opened Mode Natie, a multifunctional building that houses a Fashion Academy and Fashion Museum
  • Bangkok is building Yamamoto Fashion District

Pregunta 44

Which of the following best describes the Green City?
  • It is where climate change is measured
  • Places where people are working toward a more resilient urban environment
  • A city full of gardens and plots for growing local foods
  • Places where urban people can be mobilized to adopt new behaviors and more sustainable lifestyles

Pregunta 45

This place is a picturesque city of about 220,000 residents in the south of Germany. It is not only a green city because of its location near the Black Forest, but also because city leaders and politicians have followed an ambitious goal of turning the city into one of the most sustainable places in the world.
  • Munich
  • Heidelberg
  • Freiburg
  • Boryung

Pregunta 46

Which of the following are ways of designing and building more sustainable houses? (Pick 3)
  • Highly insulated solar glazing can be used
  • Hydrogen energy technology can be used to heat water
  • Burn coal to make thermal energy.
  • Rainwater can be collected from rooftops and used to water plants and wash cars
  • Small wind turbines set on the roof may generate electricity.

Pregunta 47

This place is the largest city in Oregon and is known as the location of several well-known companies such as Nike and Intel. These firms are central to industry clusters that specialize in active wear and outdoor gear or advanced manufacturing. In recent years, this place has also become host to a range of firms that belong to the green economy. 
  • Bend
  • Portland
  • Eureka
  • Eugene

Pregunta 48

Which of the following describes a European urban initiative to transform a street popular for shopping and restaurants into an energy-saving and environmentally conscious area with sustainable waste collection, smart meters, tram stops, and street lighting.
  • Breda Smart Street
  • Anaheim Technology Street
  • Utrechtsestraat Climate Street
  • Delft Work Street

Pregunta 49

Which of the following is an INACCURATE description about the following intelligent cities?
  • In Australia, Sydney is making strides toward becoming a smart city
  • Singapore has used a variety of financial policy tools to discourage its citizens from using automobiles in the city
  • Seoul implemented its intelligent parking system, SF park, which allows the city to redistribute the parking demand throughout the city
  • London has a range of measures to address the challenge of mobility for its citizens

Pregunta 50

Which of the following is NOT an explanation about living labs?
  • No living lab is focused on developing sustainable ideas that assist in the delivery of effective services, such as large-scale mobility management to reduce traffic congestion.
  • Living labs also involve crowdsourcing ideas and actively engaging citizens in experimentation and solution development processes.
  • Living labs utilize co-creation, exploration, experimentation, and evaluation for the development of solutions
  • A living lab is a real-life testing and experimental environment where innovations are co-created for user-driven innovation

Pregunta 51

This place is consistently ranked as having one of the best standards of living of any city in the world. By 2050 the city will have gone through a significant demographic shift from being one of the eldest regions in Austria to one of the youngest.
  • Graz
  • Vienna
  • Innsbruck
  • Venezia
  • Salzburg

Pregunta 52

Which city would likely offer the best incentives to locate a new technology startup, based on its existing numbers and interest in remaining competitive?
  • Boulder
  • San Francisco
  • Chicago
  • Washington, DC
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