Blender 2.9 - Exporting formats and procedures - What can I export from Blender and how?
Meshes with Animations
Normal Maps
1st Set the Renderer to Cycles in the "Render Properties" of the "Properties" Panel
2nd go to the "Shading" tab, create a Material, adjust it to your liking in the "Node editor" and add an "Image texture" Node (shift + A -> Textures -> Image Texture)
3rd create a new Image Texture for each Material that is to be exported and select them in the "Image Texture" Nodes of their respective material
4th Unwrap the UV Mesh: Select the Geometry in Editmode and under UV, Unwrap the Mesh (for a more neat UV Map, selected edges may be marked as seams beforehand)
5th Tab into the Object mode and go to the "Render Properties" again and under "Bake" press "Bake"
6th Find the Image Editor under the "Texture Paint" Tab and Save the Image under "Image" as soon at is baked
1st Apply the Scale to all of your Meshes
Ctrl + A -> Scale
2nd Check the Endpoint of the Animation Timeline and set it to the length of your longest animation
3rd Select all Meshes for the Export and select your armature as last Object
4th Select "File" -> "Export" -> "Export as an .fbx file"
5th Adjust options:
uncheck "Active Collection", select "Active Elements" instead
Select "Forward Z" and "Y Up" for "Forward:" and "Up"
check "Armature" and "Mesh" as Objects for export
"Apply Modifiers"
uncheck "Add leaf bones"
uncheck "NLA Strips" and "Force Start End Keying"
6th Select a file location and Name the file