Formed between biotic and abiotic factors in a defined area, an agroecosystem influences the distribution and population of living organisms. They tend to minimise human impact.
Differences from normal ecosystems:
maintenance at an early successional rate
crops planted in rows
simplification of biodiversity
intensive tillage
use of GM organisms and artificially selected crops
Refers to the study of an ecological phenomenon in the crop field e.g. the relationship between predator and prey. It needs energy input to maintain a balance e.g. use of pesticides disturbs balance by killing organisms.
Maintenance keeps pest populations at manageable levels:
Ecosystems are ever changing systems
Ecosystems follow food webs
All elements of an agroecosystem are closely linked, disturbance to one has effect on others
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Humans recognise the necessity to maintain a balance between the needs of ourselves and other species.
Conservation of forests: encouragement of sustainable use of forests.
Governments must be persuaded that more money can often be made by exploiting forests on a sustainable basis than by destroying them.
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This depends on the number of species and abundance of each species in an ecosystem.
Growth of population depends on:
Abiotic factors
Biotic factors
D is the index of diversity
N is the total number of organisms of all species in area
n is the total number of organisms of each species in area