People will tell you they can multitask but they can't.
Those who describe themselves as great multitaskers are probably the worst at it.
Young people do not multitask better than older people.
Avoid forcing people to multitask. It is difficult for them to do two things at once, for example, have a conversation with the customer while filling out a form on a computer or tablet device. If people must multitask, pay particular attention to the usability of the form.
If you require people to multitask, expect them to make lots of errors and build in ways for them to fix errors afterwards.
Driving while having a cell phone conversation is like driving under the influence of alcohol.
People Can't Actually Multitask
Pie de foto: : Video Citation Reference: BBC IDEAS, director. What Multitasking Does to Your Brain | BBC Ideas, 28 Apr. 2020, www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMiyzuO1qMs&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=BBCIdeas.