Erik Erikon's stages of Psychosocial development


Diapositivas sobre Erik Erikon's stages of Psychosocial development , creado por Abby Gillespie el 18/08/2015.
Abby Gillespie
Diapositivas por Abby Gillespie, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Abby Gillespie
Creado por Abby Gillespie hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Trust vs mistrust
    This stage occurs at the ages between infancy and 18 months  where the individual is unsure about the world that they are born into. This uncertainty develops into the child looking for they're main caregiver for a reliable amount of care and love.If the caregiver is reliable and consistent with the depending needs of the infant, the relationship with develop into the expectance of trust from the infant. If the relationship is determined the child feel safe and secure when in difficult and threatening situations with someone to fall back on with 'hope'. Although, the failure of maintaining the trust will lead to a defiant result of fear and mistrust, which will question and affect their confidence towards the way they act and take on the world. e.g. if the care is coming across as harsh, unloving and unreliable. The mistrust can also be carried into other relationships in the child's life not just the specific person that gave it in the first place.

Diapositiva 2

    Autonomy vs shame & doubt
    This stage occurs at the ages between 18 months - 3 years,  where the individual begins to develop their independence and finding that they have unique skills, mind sets and abilities by doing different things in their daily life from the simplest of things (eg. playing with toys, interacting with others, putting on clothes etc). The variety of skills demonstrate their independence slowly blossoming. Erikon's theory states that the parents of the child should accept and help develop their child's limits and abilities in a encouraging and positive environment.

Diapositiva 3

    Initiative vs guilt
    This stage occurs at the ages between 3 and 5, where the individual becomes more responsible and its the years where the child is rapidly developing.  According to Bee (1992) this stage of their lives are the “time of vigor of action and of behaviours that the parents may see as aggressive". This stage also involves the child interacting with other children their age around them eg. school, giving them the skill to socialise confidently. Although, if they are outcasted through criticism, bullying or control the child develops the stage of guilt, lacking in confidence and drowning in self doubt feeling they cant be themselves. This age group is when the children ask a variety of questions so their knowledge grows, however if the parent makes the child a nuisance or devaluing in any way the child's 'guilt' will grow. When the balance of guilt and initiative is corrupted, it can slow the interaction between the child and others and wont learn self control. 

Diapositiva 4

    Industry vs inferiority
    This stage occurs at the ages between 5 and 13, where the individual academically develops, where they learn to read and write and become themselves, so naturally the teachers can affect the learning and development of that child's life. It's also the time where the children's friendship groups become more important and will help each one's self esteem and confidence.If they are encouraged and supported for being themselves they feel industrious. How ever the child can feel they have to win over and 'earn' their acceptance and approval from others to feel 'valued' in their environment leading to the child feeling inferior although the balance between competence and modesty is needed. 

Diapositiva 5

    Identity vs Role confusion
    This stage occurs at the ages between 13 and 21, where the individual is transitioning from childhood to adulthood. The child becomes more independent and they begin to explore their future plans where the individual wants to fit in to society. During this stage where the individual discover and re evaluate their identity, finding where they fit in. Erikson states that the discovery of 2 identities including sexual and occupational. The body image of the person changes and develops where they might be insecure about their body. This age group is where they discover the possibilities and form/transform their identity.  However, failure to discover a sense of identity can lead to confusion and an identity crisis.

Diapositiva 6

    Intimacy vs isolation
    This stage occurs at the ages between 21 and 39,  where the individual begins to share ourselves more personally and intimately with others around us whilst exploring other relationships, leading into long term commitments. Success in this stage can possibly lead to positive relationships, security, and commitment. However, when an individual avoids intimacy and opening up to others, this leads to loneliness and isolation. 

Diapositiva 7

    Generativity vs stagnation
    This stage occurs at the ages between 40 and 65, where the individual  settle down and establish there careers, and relationships/families. This stage is where we give back to society and the people in their life like children, parents etc. However, the failure of these activities and live our lives unproductive, or feel guilt from the past and not completing life goals leads into depression. Success in this stage will develop into caring for others and be content with life. 

Diapositiva 8

    Ego integrity vs despair
    This stage occurs at the ages between 65 and above, where the individual productivity slow's down and thinking about the accomplishments achieved throughout their life. If they thought they didn't accomplish anything this develops into to despair. However, if they succeed in they're life this develops into wisdom.
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