Cargo - goods that are transported on trucks, trains, planes and ships.
Pie de foto: : This is a cargo ship. It's transporting many containers. The containers are full of goods. The goods inside the containers are the cargo.
Gravity - is a force; it is the natural attraction between two objects.
Pie de foto: : The apple and the Earth are two objects. Gravity pulls the apple towards the Earth. The apple and the Earth are attracted to each other.
Archimedes was a Greek mathematician and inventor. He was born circa 287 BCE in Syracuse, Sicily, Italy and died in 212 BCE in the same city.
Archimedes discovered the upward force we know as buoyancy and wrote the 'law of buoyancy' called, Archimedes' Principle.
Pie de foto: : Both cubes have the same volume. One cube is less dense than the other cube. One cube is more dense the the other cube. The high density cube is heavier than the low density cube. The low density cube is lighter than the high density cube.