Religion and medical ethics


GCSE Philosophy and ethics Diapositivas sobre Religion and medical ethics, creado por Annabel Hovenden el 13/11/2016.
Annabel  Hovenden
Diapositivas por Annabel Hovenden, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Annabel  Hovenden
Creado por Annabel Hovenden hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Abortion is ' the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy'  you can have an abortion before 24 weeks. Christians believed it should be reduced to 20 weeks (many doctors only do it to 20 weeks. 24 weeks in certain circumstances) Reasons people have an abortionsingle motherpregnant at a bad timebaby may have medical problemsbaby caused by rapewomens health is at risk she cant cope with having a baby

Diapositiva 2

    Reasons for pro-choice it is the mothers baby and its in the mothers body she should be allowed to decide if proper love and care is not possible abortion must be okay because then the baby wont suffer rape victims didn't choose to get pregnant family may be to poor to cope with the baby too many unwanted babies already. It is over populated if the baby is handicapped only mother can decide if she can look after it

Diapositiva 3

    Bible quotes for abortion
    genesis 38:25 - tamar is ordered to be burnt to death because she commited adultery and become pregnant. Akthough her life was spared no consideration about the foetus she was carrying.'If a man does not get his share of happiness... then I say a baby born dead is better off. it does that baby no good to be born. it necer sees light of days or knows what life is like but atleast it has found rest' Ecclesiastes 6:: 3-5'But better off are those who have never been born, who have never seen the injustice that goes on it the world' Ecclesiastes 4:3

Diapositiva 4

    Pro life
    Reasons for pro-life every child is a precious gift from God defencless children cannot defend for its rights embryo is human from contraception physically and mentally handicapped children can lead full and rewarding lifes aborton is murder unwanted baby could be adopted the foetus can feel pain and has intelligence

Diapositiva 5

    Bible quotes against abortion
    'Before I formed you I knew you, before you were born I set you apart' Jeremiah 1:5'Berfore I was born the lord chose me and appointed me to be his servant' Isalah 49:1 'You saw love before I was born' psalm 139:16shows God has a plan for every human being even before theyre born'God... chose me even before I was born' Galatian's 1:15shows foetus is a person'God made man in his image' Genesis 1:26'Do not kill' Exodus 20:13'You yourself are Gods temple" 1 Corinthians 3:16Because foetus is a person sancity of life (something special and holy about life) applies

Diapositiva 6

    Churches views on abortion
    Roman Catholics believe that killing an unborn baby is morally wrong in all circumstances, this teaching is an example of absolute morality. They say human life must be respected and protected from conception. Roman Catholics try to encourage people to give the baby up for adoption rather than abortion. The Anglican church opposes abortion but recognises situations where abortion would be morally acceptable such as the mothers life is in danger, baby is from rape or is severely handicapped.The Methodist church declared abortion as evil, however single mothers are encouraged to have an adoption if they do not want their baby. The church recognises that there are cases where abortion is the lesser of two evils: in cases where the embryo is severely handicapped pregnancy is a result from rape the health either mental or physical of the mother is at risk Methodists stress the abortion should happen as early as possible.The Baptist church aim is to protect the life of the foetus but they accept that abortion may be the lesser of the two evils: if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest if the pregnancy will causes a threat to the pregnant women

Diapositiva 7

    Exam style Questions
    part D. Explain Christian attitudes towards abortion   6 marks

Diapositiva 8

    Fertility Treatment
    fertility treatment is used when people want to have children but are unable to conceive naturally. it is normally down to a medical issue but others seek fertility treatment because they're a homosexual couple, or are not in a relationship but still wants a child or they're too old to have a baby. Things that might  prevent conception include; the man might not be producing enough sperm, the women might not be ovulating, fertility treatment can take many forms depending on what is preventing conception. IVF - Involves an egg and sperm being brought together in a test tube, if conception takes place and an embryo is formed it will placed in the woman's uterus to grow.Artificial insemination - sperm is collected and put into a woman's uterus. sometimes sperm is husbands sperm (AIH -Artificial insemination by husband) but if the husband cannot produce healthy sperm or there isn't another partner sperm can be used from a donor )AID -Artificial insemination for donor)the Law: the human fertilisation and Embryology act 1990 donor has no legal rights over baby frozen embryos can be stored for a maximum 10 years scientific experiments on embryos can only take place up to 14 days after conception after this time they can not be kept alive

Diapositiva 9

    Christians arguments for fertility treatment it brings happiness to people who cannot have children if life comes from God anything that can create new life must be good 'be fruitful and increase in number' God wants us to have children
    Christians arguments against Fertility treatment God chooses whether people have children or not God may habve chosen these people to devote their lives to other work goes against natural Law to create children
    Arguments for and against fertility

Diapositiva 10

    Roman Catholics only accept it if No spare embryos are created no 3rd parties are used they do not replace sex within a marriage Methodists church believes it is right and accepts using 'spare embryos' in medical research but only up to 14 days after fertilisation Church of England accepts IVF in all its forms, including donation of sperm and egg from third parties experimenting on spare embryos is acceptable up to 14 days after fertilisation, because 14 days after the foetus can split into twin. Therefore not really a human life
    Church views on fertility treatment

Diapositiva 11

    Exam style questions
    Part E. 'The use of fertility treatment is wrong because if interferes with Gods plan' Discuss 12 marks

Diapositiva 12

    cloning is a scientific process of making an exact Dna duplicate of somethingthere is also therapeutic cloning an exact DNA replica of tissue in order to help people who are ill Attitudes against cloninggod is responsible for the creation of all living things and therefore scientists are trying to be God catholics are against cloning
    some Christians are for therapeutic cloning as it is hel,ping Ill people and it is human reposibitly as stewards of the world to help people in need.

Diapositiva 13

    suicide is the intentional ending of their own lifepeople commit suicide because of things such as, depression, serious difficult coping with life, bereavement, bullying, old age, serious/incurable disease and pressurein the past it was considered a serious sin to commit suicide by the church, they would say:God chooses when we dieNew testament say the body is like a temple of God, Suicide is disrespecting and killing apart of GodWe suffer for a reason - in the end God will make it betterthe commandments teach 'you shall not murder' suicide is the murder of yourselfsuicide is selfish to the people you leave behind as it causes them pain most people now believe it is wrong to commit suicide but understand why people try it. The right response to suicide is be loving and forgiving people should be helped not condemned. The church would advice someone who is thinking of committing suicide to talk to the Samaritans.

Diapositiva 14

    Euthanasia is different from suicide because it involves more than one person. voluntary euthanasia: when someone asks for the ending of their own life but is unable to commit suicide without help. often called 'assisted suicide' involuntary euthanasia: is when someone else decides that it would be best for someone's life to be ended because he or she isn't able to make that decision independently this may be because they're in a comaActive euthanasia: is when action is taken to bring a life to and end for example a lethal dose of drugs might be given. This is against the lawpassive euthanasia: is when a decision is made to stop giving further treatment, even though death will be the result, this happens quite often.

Diapositiva 15

    against euthanasia 'thou shall not kill' ten commandments - it is wrong to take away Gods sacred gift. 'God gives and God takes away' Job 1:21 suggests only God as the higher power has the abilities to take away a life not humans. jesus healed the sick and dying not kill them
    for euthanasiaGod is love. Christianity is love. keeping someone in pain and suffering is not lovinghumans were given dominion over all things living by God so we can choose for ourselvesGod gave humans free will we should be allowed to decide when our lives end'Do to other as you would have the, do to you' If you was in constant pain and suffering you would want someone to help you
    Against and For Euthanasia

Diapositiva 16

    the roman Catholics is totally against euthanasia and teaches that any act which deliberately brings about death is the same as murder. Pope John Paul 2 said 'euthanasia  is a grave violation of the law of God' however it accepts there is a difference what is intended and what is foreseen and unintended. The roman catholic church teaches that ordinary treatments such as feeding a patient much always be continued. but that extraordinary treatments such as complicated operations that are unlikely to succeed not be given.the Anglican church says the deliberate taking of a human life is forbidden although there were strong arguments that people should not be kept alive at all costs when they are suffering intolerable pain. They stress the importance of making the old and the ill feel wanted and valuable. the Baptist church say euthanasia is like abortion about whether people have the right to take away human life. Baptist church are against euthanasia as all human life is sacred and therefore worth preserving but usually agree that if the person is 'brain dead' and cannot maintain any kind of relationship with friends or relative then it is acceptable for treatment to be stopped.
    Different church views on euthanasia

Diapositiva 17

    Exam style question
    Part D. Explain Christian teachings about euthanasia 6 marks
    Part D, Explain Christian responses to someone wanting to kill themselves 6 marks

Diapositiva 18

    the use of animals in medical research
    Animal research is testing a range of products (eg shampoo or cancer research). British law requires any new drug to be tested on at least 2 different species of live mammal.arguments for human life is better than animal lifeanimal testing helped to develop vaccines against measles, rabies etc.we kill animals for food, using them for research is more worthyfew animals feel painArguments againstcan be misleading - animal can have different effect to what humans wouldanimals have rightshave not prevented researches from animal abusedeath through research is unnecessary

Diapositiva 19

    Christian responses to animal research
    Support because: mankind was made in 'Gods image' unlike animals mankind were left in charge of animals as God said to 'rule over them' Humans have souls - animals don't making humans more important
    Oppose because: many experiments are for curiosity's sake not all Christians believe animals don't have souls 'a man is worth many sparrows but not one sparrow can died unnoticed in Gods world' Matthew 10:29-31 suggest that God notices when animals die unnesscarily and animals have importance to God

Diapositiva 20

    Exam style question
    part D. Explain Christian attitudes towards the use of animals in medical research  6 marks
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