Evaluation Question 3


evaluation of question 3
Jody Cook
Diapositivas por Jody Cook, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jody Cook
Creado por Jody Cook hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diapositiva 1

    Evaluation Question 3
    What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Diapositiva 2

    We decided to come up with our own production company called Dark Room Productions, however we decided to choose a more well know production company to be in association with ours, in order to make more of a profit. I have done previous textual analysis research on Blumhouse Productions which was created by Jason Blum. I realised that this production company would be the best possible option to produce our film out of all of the other production companies for a variety of reasons. Firstly, this production company produces high quality, low budget films which then become extremely successful and make profits reaching millions of dollars. Blumhouse Productions produce Thriller and Horror films such as Paranormal Activity, The Purge, Insidious and others in which have become blockbuster films. As Blumhouse specialise in Horror and Thriller films, and the genre of The Absence is a Thriller, I feel as though Blumhouse will allow our film to become very successful. Lastly, Blumhouse Productions have a very large fan base and due to the popularity of Blumhouse Productions and the dedicated fans which await on new Thriller and Horror movies to come out, I think that The Absence will be set with a small fan base from the start and grow over time, from the help of Blumhose Productions.

Diapositiva 3

    In order for our film to be as successful as possible, we want a major distribution company to distribute our film. However, we only have a small budget which is why we may not be able to afford expensive, major distribution companies at this early stage in our success. We decided that the best possible option would be to choose Terror Films as our distribution company. This is because throughout our film, we have conformed with the conventions of a typical Thriller genre film, and Terror Films are a worldwide distributor whom specialise in micro-budget Horror and Thriller films worldwide. Terror Productions produce films such as Savageland, The House On Pine Street and The Tribe. Even though the films distributed by Terror Productions are not as well known  as films distributed by Twisted Pictures, for example, from having such a large well know production company, our film will still be just as successful, considering we do not have an extremely large budget. 

Diapositiva 4

    In terms of exhibition, we will need to exhibit our film through an independent cinema as they will accept a low-budget film to show in their cinema. The cinemas in which The Absence will be exhibited in will be cinemas such as Century Cinema, The Little Theatre Cinema, Cinema City and many more small scale cinemas. Larger, more mainstream cinemas such as Cineworld, Vue or ODEN will not be interested in our film as they show higher budgeted, Hollywood films which cost a lot to make and are willing to pay more money in order to get their film shown. These types of cinemas have a larger fan base as they are more popular than independent cinemas and therefore, high-budget films can afford to pay the money for their film to become more popular. 

Diapositiva 5

    Social Network
    In order to increase the audience awareness of The Absence and make more people want to go and see the film we will incorporate social media into the advertisement of our film. This is because social media is a quick and cheap way to help advertise film, and benefits both the producers and the target audience. One of the ways we will use social media will be by creating accounts on social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram and post pictures or videos of them behind the scenes. We will also create a Snapchat account and post Snapchat stories of The Absence such as teasers and behind the scenes so that this will entice people to want to go and see the film, and also make them feel part of the production of the film. Social media is so widely used by millions of people in the 21st century and by advertising on the internet will be very effective for the success of The Absence. By using hashtags on Twitter will allow us to see how many people are talking about our film and give us a greater insight into how well our film is doing in the world of 
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