Botanic Plant Names - translations and meanings


The etymology behind latin and greek botanic names for plants.
kate thompson
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kate thompson
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Allium GENUS Latin name for garlic
Smyrnium GENUS From the Greek smyrnion (myrrh); referring to its smell
olusatrum Latin for alexander olus = vegetable/turnip
Pimpinella GENUS bi-pinnate - from a word meaning
anisum latin, anesum = Aniseed
Carum GENUS Latin for dear or expensive Careum = caraway
carvi An old name for Caraway. Links to carota - carrot.
Anthriscus GENUS Another but unidentified plant Anthris = caves
cerefolium Waxy leaves
Coriandrum From the Greek koris, a bug or gnat; referring to its aroma
sativum Cultivated
Anethum GENUS Dill
graveolens Heavy scented, unpleasant smell
Rumex GENUS Latin name for Docks and sorrel plants
scutatus With a shield
Artemisia GENUS Named for the goddess Artemis in Greek mythology, who so benefitted from a plant of this family that she gave it her own name
dracunculus Little dragon
Levisticum GENUS Possibly from the Greek ligustikos, referring to being of or from the Liguria region in Italy
officinalis Official - used in pharmacological sense
Portulaca GENUS Carries milk
oleracea Edible vegetable (olera = green)
Sium GENUS A perennial of wet and marshy places in the northern hemisphere from sion, ancient Greek name.
sisarum Skirret
acetosa Latin for sour, common sorrel & other plants with acid leaves
Satureia GENUS Latin name for Savory.
hortensis Of gardens; cultivated
Ocimum GENUS From the Greek word meaning to smell, to be fragrant
basilicum royal or princely
montana Of the mountains
Acorus GENUS Plant with an aromatic rhizome
calamus From the Greek kalamos, meaning reed
Aegopodium GENUS From the Greek aix (goat) and podion (little foot)
podagraria Goat's foot
Alchemilla GENUS Takes its name from a plant valued for its use in alchemy
xanthochlora xanthos (yellow) and chlorus (green), greek.
ursinum Referring to a bear
Amelanchier GENUS From an old French common name
ovalis latin for oval
Berberis GENUS Latinised form of the Arabic name for the fruit
perennis latin for perennial
Atriplex GENUS atri = dark plex = fold Ancient Latin name for this plant
victorialis Victorius; symbol of victory
Angelica GENUS Like an angel, angelic
archangelica Named after the Archangel Michael
schoenoprasum Schoeno means Rush Greek prason = leek Latin porrum = leek
Alliaria GENUS Of the Allium family
petiolata Has leaf stalks (petioles)
Achillea GENUS Named for Achilles, who used plants of the genus to staunch the wounds of his soldiers at the siege of Troy
millefolium mille = thousand folium = leaves
Armoracia GENUS Wild Radish armora = equipment (from weapons + armour)
rusticana Rustic, of the countryside
alba white
alpestris alpine
bellus beautiful
broccolo flowering top
caerule dark blue
candicans hairy or wooly
cereus waxy
coccineu scarlet
cordata heart shaped
crassu fleshy, thick
dulcis sweet
edulis edible
ferox very thorny
flavens yellowish
glaber smooth, without hairs
heli sun
imbricata overlapping, like scales
ingens enormous
obesus fat
phylla leaves (pertaining to)
repens crawling, creeping
ericeus silky
serpens creeping, snakelike
vulgaris common
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