the reactivity series


Fichas sobre the reactivity series, creado por ashley.amber el 30/05/2013.
Fichas por ashley.amber, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ashley.amber hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
what is the reactivity series? Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Tin Lead Copper Silver Gold
potassium: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a)reacts slowly to form a surface layer of metal oxide (tarnishes) b) burns to form oxide c) white
sodium: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) reacts slowly to form a surface layer of the metal oxide (tarnishes) b)burns to form metal oxide c) white
Calcium: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) reacts slowly to form a surface layer of metal oxide (tarnishes) b) burns to form the metal oxide c) white
Magnesium: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) reacts slowly to form a surface layer of the metal oxide (tarnishes) b) burns to form metal oxide c) white
Aluminium: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) tarnishes b) burns to form metal oxide c) white
zinc: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) tarnishes b)burns to form metal oxide c) white
iron: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) tarnishes b)burns to form oxide c)black/brown
tin: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a)tarnishes b)forms oxide without burning c)black
Lead: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) tarnishes b)forms oxide without burning c)yellow
Copper: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a)tarnishes b)forms oxide without burning c) black
silver: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) tarnishes b) doesnt react c) brown
gold: a)when reacted in cold air b)when heated with air c)colour of oxide a) doesn't react b)doesn't react c)doesn't react
potassium: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) explodes- forms H+ and alkaline potassium hydroxide b)the same c)explosive
sodium: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) fizzes- forms H+ and dilute sodium hydroxide b) the same c) explosive
calcium: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) bubbles- forms H+ and dilute alkaline calcium hydroxide b) the same c)reacts with dilute hydrochloric/sulfuric acids to form hydrogen+metal chloride
magnesium: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) very slow reaction b)forms H+ and magnesium oxide c) reacts with dilute hydrochloric/sulfuric acids to form hydrogen and magnesium chloride/sulfate
Aluminium: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) gives H+ and aluminium oxide c) reacts with dilute hydrochloric and sulfuric acids to form aluminium chloride/sulfide
Zinc: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) forms H+ and zinc oxide c) reacts with dilute hydrochloric/sulfuric acids to form hydrogen and zinc chloride/sulfide
Iron: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) forms H+ and iron oxide c) reacts with Hydrochloric/sulfuric acid to form iron chloride/sulfide and hydrogen
Tin: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) doesn't react c) reacts with hydrochloric/sulfuric acids to form hydrogen and tin chloride/sulfide
lead: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) doesn't react c) may be oxidized by nitric acids
copper: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) doesn't react c) may be oxidised by nitric acid
silver: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) doesn't react c) may be oxidized by nitric acid
gold: a) reaction when heated with cold water b)reaction when heated with steam c)reaction with dilute acid a) doesn't react b) doesn't react c) may be oxidized by nitric acid
where do carbon and hydrogen fit in the reactivity series? carbon- above iron hydrogen- bellow iron
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