Growth and Development


Developmental Milestones Pediatric Assessment and Pearls
Fichas por blearyeyed, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por blearyeyed hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
1 month of age Turns head in supine, Chin up in prone Hands fisted near face Sucks well Gazes at black and white objects Follows face Discriminates mother's voice Cries out in distress Startles to loud noise Makes sounds other than crying
2 months of age Chest up in prone Tries to steady head briefly when held Hands unfisted 50% Retains rattle if placed in hand Holds hands together Opens mouth at sight of breast or bottle Follows large highly contrasting objects Recognizes mother Reciprocal smiling - responds to adult voice and smile Alerts to voice/sound Coos Social smile (6 weeks) Vowel like noises
3 months of age Props forearms in prone Rolls to side Hands unfisted 50% Inspects fingers Bats at objects Brings hands to mouth Reaches for parent's face Follows objects moved in circle (when in supine) Regards toys Expression of disgust (sour taste, loud sound) Visually follows a person moving across a room Regards speaker Chuckles Vocalizes when talked to
4 months of age Sit with trunk support No head lag when pulled to sit Props on wrists Rolls front to back Clutches at clothes Reaches persistently Plays with rattle Holds hands predominantly open Briefly holds onto breast/bottle Mouths objects Stares longer at novel faces than familiar ones Shakes rattle Reaches for ring/rattle Smiles spontaneously at pleasurable sight/sound Stops crying at parent voice To and fro alternating vocalizations Orients head in direction of voice Stops crying to soothing voice Laughs out loud Vocalizes when alone
5 months of age Sits with pelvic support Rolls back to front Parachute sits with arms supporting trunk (anterior protection) Grasps cube using whole hand (palmar grasp) Transfers objects: hand-mouth-hand Holds hands together Reaches/grasps dangling ring Gums/mouths pureed food Turns head to look for dropped spoon Regards pellet or small cracker Recognizes caregiver visually Forms attachment-relationship to caregiver Begins to respond to name Says "Ah-goo" Razz, squeal Expresses anger with sounds other than crying
6 months of age Sits momentarily propped on hands Pivots in prone (on belly) Prone--bears weight on one hand Transfers hand-hand Rakes pellet Takes second cube - holds on to one Reaches with one hand Feeds self crackers Places hands on bottle Touches reflection and vocalizes Removes cloth on face Bangs and shakes toys Stranger anxiety; recognizes familiar faces versus unfamiliar Stops momentarily to "no" Gestures for "up" Reduplicate babble with consonants Listens then vocalizes when adult stops Smiles/vocalizes to mirror
7 months of age Bounces when held Sits without support steady Puts arms out to sides for balance (lateral protection) Grasps using side of hand (radial-palmar grasp) Refuses excess food Explores different aspects of a toy Observes cube in each hand Finds partially hidden object Looks from object to parent and back when wanting help (e.g. with a wind-up toy) Looks toward familiar object when names Attends to music Increasing variety of syllables
8 months of age Gets into sitting Commando crawls Pulls to sitting/kneeling Bangs spoon after a demo Grasps with all four fingers and side of thumb (scissor grasp) Takes cube out of cup Pulls large peg out Holds own bottle Finger feeds Cheerios or string beans Seeks object after it falls silently to the floor Lets parents know when happy versus upset Engages in gaze monitoring: adult looks away and child follows adult glance with own eyes Responds to "come here" Looks for family member when asked, "Where's Mama?" etc. Says "Mama" (non-specific) Non-reduplicate babble Imitates sounds
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