Spanish verbs


Fichas por TOM LANE, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por TOM LANE hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
to speak. hablar
to eat comer
to live vivir
to give dar
to say decir
to begin empezar
to be (temporary) estar
to have haber or tener
to do or to make hacer
to go ir
to play jugar
to be able to poder
to put poner
to want querer
to know (information) saber
to get or to take out sacar
to be (perminant) ser
to come venir
to see ver
to return volver
to be happy about alegrarse
to know (person or place) conocer
to look after cuidar
to write escribir
to annoy or bother fastidiar or molestar
to laugh reirse (accent on the i)
to advise aconsejar
to put up with aguantar
to tidy arreglar
to hear about oir hablar de (accent i)
to forget olvidar
to cause provocar
to tend to tender a
to treat tratar
to look for buscar
to change. cambiar
to get married casarse
to find encontrar
to be lucky tener suerte
to agree estar de acuerdo
to pay pagar
to communicate comunicarse
to choose escoger
to send mandar
to offer ofrecer
to bully acosar
to excite apasionar
to share compartir
to have a good time divertirse
to improve mejorar
to be successful tener exito (accent on the third e)
to walk andar
to delete or erase borrar
to load cargar
to answer contestar
to take photos sacar fotos
to feel sentir
to chat online chatear
to run correr
to realise darse cuenta de
to congratulate or to send best wishes felicitar
to worry preocupar
to finish terminar
to rest descansar
to chat charlar
to have the evening meal cenar
to go for a walk. dar un paseo
to be fit estar en forma
to record grabar
to leave. to let. to allow. dejar
to opt for optar por
to agree or to reach an agreement. ponerse de acuerdo
to take or to have (food and drink) tomar
to bring traer
to answer contestar
to train entrenar
to win ganar
to try or test probar
to relax relajarse
to go down bajar
to rely on contar con
to stop or quit dejar de + infinitive
to develop desarrollar
to enjoy disfrutar
to promote or encourage fomentar
llevar to take ,to cary or to wear
to spend (time) pasar
to have a good time pasarlo bien
to break romper
to follow seguir
to commemorate conmemorar
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