Ice on the Land Keywords


(Old) Geography Fichas sobre Ice on the Land Keywords, creado por vina_56 el 08/06/2013.
Fichas por vina_56, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por vina_56 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Process A series of actions with an end
Abrasion when moraine carried by a glacier rubs against the ice and like sandpaper wears away sides and floor of valley (smooth surface)
Freeze-thaw weathering constant freezing and expansion of cracks on mountains which fill with rainwater
Plucking when rocks on bedrock stick to the ice and get transported when the glacier moves away (jagged surface)
Erosion rock being worn away due to the weather and animals/plants
Weathering the breaking down of rocks by wind, rivers, sea & ice
Transportation the moving of rocks by wind, rivers,sea and ice (conveyor belt)
Deposition putting down rocks by wind, rivers, sea & ice
Rotational slip movement of glacier along a curve
Landform a natural feature of the earth
Moraine small rocks carried and transported by a glacier
Corrie deep armchair-shaped crater on a hillside (often with tarn)
Arete a knife-edged ridge often formed between two corries
Pyramidal peak a sharp-edge mountain peak (formed between three corries)
Truncated spur an eroded interlocking spur characterised by a cliff-like feature
Glacial trough/U shaped valley a wide steep-sided valley floor eroded by a glacier
Ribbon lake long narrow lake on a glacial trough
Tarn a lake in a corrie
Hanging valley a tributary glacial trough perched up on the side of a main valley (often marked by a waterfall)
Boulder clay/till type of glacial deposit where very small particles (clay) are mixed with larger ones (boulders)
Sublimation snow turn directly to water vapour
Drumlin small hill of moraine, thought to be shaped by a second glacier moving over it after original glacier that deposited it retreated
Snout end of glacier
Firn snow that has survived a summer
Avalanche rapid and large fall of snow and rock down a cliff
Accumulation snowfall and avalanche
Ablation snowmelt, calving, sublimation
Serac block of ice
Glacier budget balance between inputs & outputs
Equilibrium line point on a glacier
System analysis inputs, stores, outputs
Calving formation of icebergs
Glacier retreat when ablation is greater than accumulation
Glacier advance when accumulation is greater than advance
Crevasse giant crack in glacier's surface
Glacier ice compacted snow after 100s of years
Freeze-thaw weathering When water gets into rocks cracks and freezes when temperatures go below 0°C. The ice expands and the cracks wide n so pieces of rock eventually break off.
Scree pile of loose rocks - result of freeze-thaw weathering
Quaternary - Pleistocene the geological period between 2 million and 10 000 years ago
Interglacial a period of ice retreated associated with rising temperatures
Glacier a river of ice usually extending downhill from an ice cap and occupying a valley
Ice age a period when there are many glacial periods in a sequence quite close together. A time when ice sheets are found on continents.
Ice sheet a huge mass of ice over 50 000 km² in size
Glacial period a period of ice advance associated with falling temperatures
Ice cap a smaller body of ice usually found in mountainous regions
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