Economic Change - Human Geography - Geography GCSE.


A deck of flashcards in order to enlighten everyone about Economic Change. This would be particularly useful for those of you doing Geography GCSE this year.
Fichas por Tilde, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Tilde hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Primary Industry The primary industry involves the extraction of Raw Materials from the land or sea. A good example of a Primary Industry job would be either a Miner or a Fisherman.
Secondary Industry The Secondary industry involves manufacturing goods by using the products of the Primary Industry. A good example of a Secondary Industry job would be either a Baker or a Builder.
Tertiary Industry The Tertiary Industry involves providing a service, rather than a product, which makes it different to the Primary and Secondary Industries. Tertiary jobs can be very highly paid, or very lowly paid. A good example of a Tertiary job would be either a Cleaner or a Bank Clerk.
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