the interaction function

Paula Cals Guiserís
Fichas por Paula Cals Guiserís, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Paula Cals Guiserís
Creado por Paula Cals Guiserís hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

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the interaction system It enables people to percieve changes that happen, both inside and outside the body and their enviroment, to interpret or process them and generate coordinated responses in orther to survive
Stimulus Is a physical or chemical that happens, both inside and outside the body and that provokes a response in it
Receptors Internal: are those that percieve changes inside the body as a rise in blood sugar levels External: are those that percieve stimuli in the external enviroment
External receptors Mechanoreceptors Thermoreceptors Chemoreceptors Nocireceptors Photoreceptors
Mechanoreceptors Movements, vibration or pressure
Thermoreceptors Changes in temperature
Chemoreceptors Detect chemical substances in the air, water, etc
Nocireceptors Percieve pain
Photoreceptors Are ligh-sensitive
Processing information The coordination centres recieve the information sent by the receptors, process it, generate orders and send them to the effector organs. The coordination systems are the nervous and endocrine systems.
The nervous system It is responsible for analysing the internal and external stimuli percieved by the receptors, generating orders and sending them to the effectors. This is carried out by nerve impulses (electricalcurrentthat is transmmited between cells, that are called neurons) It coordinates fast, short-lived responses
The endocrine system It is made up of a series of endocrine glands, they realse substances called hormones. Hormones coordinate the internal organs by provoking chemical reactions. This system coordinates responses that are slower but longer-lasting than the nervous systems ones
Smell Smell receptors or olfatory cells are chermoreceptors that are sensitive to volatile or gaseous substances in the air
Odours It is created in three stages: The gaseous substances enter the nassal passages The olfatory mucosa percieve the substances When the olfatory cells are stimulated, they send nerve impulses through the olfatotry nerve to the brain, which interprets the information and identifies the smell
Touch There are various kinds of touch receptors: -Thermoreceptors -Mechanoreceptors -Nocireceptors
How tactile sensations reach the brain? Touch receptors are located in the skin and are not distributed in a uniform manner, this is why some parts of our body are more sensitive than others When stimulated, touch receptors send nerve impulses through different nerves to the brain, where they are interpreted and identified.
Taste Taste receptors, known as gustatory cells, are chemoreceptors
How tastes reach the brain? ss
Hearing The recptors in our ears are mechanoreceptors
The human ear
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