Creado por Emily Horton
hace casi 7 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
"Fair is Foul and foul is fair" A1 S1 Witches | Could be foreshadowing characters Macbeth and lady Macbeth. They seem good but turn out bad. Creates fear among the audience as they don't know who to trust. |
"What are these / That look not like th' inhabitants o' th' earth" A1 S2 Banquo about witches | De-humanise the witches. Creates fear in audience of that time as witches would be killed and feared. |
"Hie thee hither / That I may pour my spirits into thine ear" A1 S5 Lady Macbeth | She wants him to follow her evil orders. Presents her as an evil character. |
"Come you spirits / that tend on my mortal thoughts, unsex me here" A1 S5 Lady Macbeth | She wants to become more like a man so she can carry out the evil deed. Women at the time had no rights or control over anyone. Therefore it is unusual she can control Macbeth. |
" I am afraid to think of what I have done" A2 S2 Macbeth | Shows he feels guilty. His guilt leads to his downfall. |
"Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou couldst." A2 S2 Macbeth | Shows again that he feels guilty and regrets his actions. |
"Out damned spot! Out I say!... the thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now" A5 S1 Lady Macbeth | Lady Macbeth is beginning to go mad because she killed Duncan. Shows she starts to feel guilt. |
" What's done cannot be undone" A5 S1 Lady Macbeth | When she begins to go crazy. There is no going back on her actions. Shows she feels regret and guilt |
" Macduff was from his mother's womb/ untimely ripped" A5 S8 Macduff | Macduff was not of woman born therefore he can kill Macbeth. |
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