
Alejandro Tello
Fichas por Alejandro Tello, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alejandro Tello
Creado por Alejandro Tello hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
MIGHTY : Who has the authority to command, dominate or influence others.
SIZE : Set of the physical dimensions of a material thing, by which it has more or less volume. .
GROUND : The ground is the superficial layer of the earth's crust in which numerous organisms live and the vegetation grows.
ANCIENT : That has been around for a long time .
CLAIM : Express [one person], orally or in writing, your opposition, disagreement or dislike for a matter that you consider unfair or unsatisfactory .
FARMERS : Is the person who is dedicated to cultivate the land, for the extraction and exploitation of the resources that originates .
ROAD : Way of communication, generally interurban, projected and constructed fundamentally for the circulation of motor vehicles .
PEACE : Situation or state in which there is no war or fights between two or more opposing parties .
MURDERED : To take someone's life in a premeditated way, with treachery, cruelty and other aggravating circumstances .
BURIED : Put a thing under the ground or Put a corpse in the grave .
TEARS : Secretion of the lacrimal gland that is poured through the eyes as a result of intense emotion, eye irritation or nasal congestion; It takes the shape of a drop when falling .
FLOOD : A flood consists of the invasion or concealment of water in areas that under normal conditions remain dry .
FENCES : A fence or fence is a vertical surface element that is used to delimit land and protect it from intruders .
LAYER :   To find water, we drill many layers of rock,   the strata of the rock are made up of different materials .
POUNDED : Hit a thing until it breaks or deforms or destroys a thing completely .
WOOD : Hard and fibrous substance that forms the trunk and branches of trees .
STONE : Hard mineral material and compact structure that make up the rocks .
STICKS : A stick is an elongated piece of a solid material that usually has the shape of a cylinder .
LAND : Solid part of the planet that is not covered by the sea .
DUST : Set of tiny particles that float in the air and settle on objects forming a layer of dirt .
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