

Boards Oncology Fichas sobre Hematology, creado por annerao el 02/07/2013.
Fichas por annerao, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por annerao hace más de 11 años

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Hemoglobin F Hb F alpha 2 gamma 2
Hemoglobin A2 Hb A2 alpha 2 delta 2
Hemoglobin A1 Hb A1 alpha 2 beta 2
Hemoglobin H Hb H beta 4
Barts Hemoglobin gamma 4
Heinz bodies precipitation of alpha chains in Beta thalassemia major, severe anemia & extramedullary hematopoiesis.
Beta Thalassemia Hemoglobin A2 more than 3.5% is diagnostic. (Beta. Minor, Intermedia, Major)
alpha thalassemia alpha chain gene deletion alpha trait- no sx alpha thal minor- mild or No anemia Hg H- unstable Hb, jaundice @birth Barts- hydrops fetalis
Sickle cell Dz 6th codon of beta globin on chr 11 valine for glutamic acid SC > Sb0 > SC > Sb+
RBC low, Hb low, Rdw high, low MCHC BM- cells with iron aggragates around nucleus, iron clusters in RBC Sideroblatic anemia Impaired Heme synthesis Ringed sideroblasts pappenheimer bodies
increased hemolysis, jaundice, Spleen, pallor, reticulocytosis, normocytic anemia, increased MCHC, nuclear remnants in the cells Most cc of hemolytic anemia in northern europe?? Spherocytosis defective ankyrin & spectrin autosomal dominant Howell jolly bodies Osmotic fragility test
Anemia, abnormal thumbs & radii, microcephaly, short stature, CALS, hyperpigmentation, renal defects Fanconi Anemia
Hypophosphatemia due to phosphaturia renal glycosuria with normal bld glucose Aminoaciduria, Tubular proteinuria, proximal RTA Fanconi Syndrome proximal renal tubular dysfunction
Macrocytic anemia, low retics, low wbc, low pltlets, Abnormal thumbs, Short stature, renal defects, hypogonadism, gluacoma, MR, cong.heart defect, dysmorphism(micrognathia, flat thenar) Diamond Blackfan Anemia
Low platelets, normal RBC & WBC absent radius, normal thumbs, milk protein allergy TAR syndrome
low WBC, exocrine pancreatic failure, Short stature, metaphyseal dysostosis Schwachman Diamond Syndrome Autosomal Recessive Rx: G-CSF improves nuetropenia SCT is curative.
Oxidative injury causes Hemolysis? only in Boys. G6PD deficiency, X-linked disorder Dx: measure G6PD activity Rx: Transfusion
Hemolysis, Pts stable and asymptomatic with Hb 5-6 (due to high 2, 3 DPG, oxy curve shifts to easily release o2) Pyruvate Kinase deficiency auto Recessive. Dx: direct enzyme measurement Tx: Splenectomy increases Hb and retic count.
Early AM hematuria, low RBC, low pltlets, venous thrombosis, aplastic anemia, chest pain, abd.pain Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria complement mediated hemolysis by MAC Dx: flow cytometry, sucrose lysis, Ham's acidified serum test Rx: steroids, NO donors, transfusion, iron SCT is curative.
Anemia, jaundice, hemolysis, dark urine, spleen, increased retics, smear -microspheorcytes Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) UA- heme, coombs test, Rx: steroids, IVIG, plasmapheresis transfusion, splenectomy
Neutropenia Q monthly or Q wkly ANC< 200, Repeated fevers, aphtous ulcers, LAD, skin infections, pneumonias, perineal ulcers Cyclic Neutropenia Autosomal Dominant Neutrophil elastase EL2 gene mutation Dx: CBC twice a week for 6 wks. Rx: G-CSF
Neupogen (Filgrastim) Neulasta (PEG-filgrastim) G-CSF (colonystimulating factor 3) stimulstes bome marrow to produce granulocytes and stem cells which are eventually released into blood stream.
Neutrophils are chronically low. ANC < 200, BM shows cells in promyelocyte stage Severe Congenital Neutropenia Kostmann's Neutropenia Rx: G-CSF SCT is curative
Children less than 3 yrs present with mild skin & mucosal membrane infections. also have low wbc and neutropenia Benign neutropenia of childhood
Toddlers less than 3 yrs present with viral infection, sudden onselt anemia, normal MCV, self resolving Transient Erythroblastopenia of childhood
Formula to calculate ANC from CBCD (segs + bands) X WBC < 500 severe neutropenia 500-1000 moderate 1000-1500 mild
Recurrent skin infections, severe periodontitis, gingivitis, pneumonia, Elevated WBC count, delayed umbilical seperation, Omphalitis Leukocyte adhesion defect LAD Defect CD18 locus on Chr21 Dx: Flow cytometry for CD18 SCT curative
Staph/Ecoli infections, invasive fungal infections, CBC shows elevated WBC with left shift Chronic granulomatous disease X-linked / AR Dx: Dihydrorhodamine oxidation test NBT test Rx: Abx, bactrim proph, recombinant interferon gamma SCT is curative.
Oculocutaneous albinism, neutropenia, prolonged bleeding time, frequent infections Chediak Higashi Syndrome Large granules in neutros and eosinos EBV infection can lead to death.
Recurrent infections, Eczema, skin cold abscess, Boils, allergies, elevated IgE Hyper IgE syndrome Rx: Bactrim proph SCT is curative
Aquired TTP is due to autoantibodies to?? ADAMSTS 13
2-5 yr old healthy pt suddenly presents post viral infection with skin & mucosal bleeding, CBC shows isolated low and large platelets, normal RBC and WBC ITP
Platelet dysfunction, mild thrombocytopenia with large platelets. Prolonged bleeding time with significant mucocutaneous bleeding Bernard Soulier Syndrome AR
Puertorican descent oculocutaneous albinism, moderate severe bleeding. Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome AR
Huge hemangiomas, with localized DIC and platelet destruction, Kasabach-merritt Syndrome
Hemophilia Factor VIII def prolong PTT normal PT
Hemophilia Treament mild: desmopressin mod: recombinant factor VIII severe: prothrombin complex concentrate & recombinant VIIA
Christmas Disease Factor IX def Rx: give recombinant factor IX
Von Willebrand Dz type 1: less Vwbf type 2: vwbf doesn't work well type 3: no vwbf activity at all type 1: desmopressin type 2: give factor VIII type 3: factor VIII + vwbf
Normal PT prolonged PTT But no h/o clinical bleeding Factor X11 (12) def. hageman factor
normal PT normal PTT normal platelets but still bleeding...?? Bleeding from Umb.cord, ICH, delayed wound healing factor XIII (13) def Dx: Eugloblin lysis test Rx: Give factor 13 concentrate/ FFP/ cryoprecipitate
prolonged PT, prolonged PTT Thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia low fibrinogen, elevated D-dimer Bleeding from everywhere DIC Moderate thrombocytopenia give Pltlets Severe: FFp/Cryoprecipitate
Hemorrhagic dz in a newborn prolonged PT more than prolonged PTT Vitamin K deficiency (dependent factors- 2,7,9,10, C & S)
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