

Flashcards on Hematology, created by Krista Toliver0124 on 11/03/2015.
Krista Toliver0124
Flashcards by Krista Toliver0124, updated more than 1 year ago
Krista Toliver0124
Created by Krista Toliver0124 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the most common cause of anemia? Iron deficiency, most commonly r/t bleeding
Anemia is present in adults if the hematocrit is ___ in males or ___ in females. Anemia = Hematocrit... <41% in males <36% in females
Anemia is present in adults if the hemoglobin is ___ in males or ___ in females. Anemia = Hemoglobin... <13.5 g/dL in males <12 g/dL in females
What are the 3 ways anemias are classified? (1) Reticulocytopenia- diminished production (2) Reticulocytosis- increased production from accelerated loss (3) RBC size
A reticulocytosis occurs in one of what three pathophysiologic states? (1) Acute blood loss (2) Recent replacement of a missing erythropoietic nutrient (3) Reduced RBC survival (hemolysis)
What occult cause of iron deficiency anemia should be considered when blood loss is not evident? Celiac Disease (gluten enteropathy)
Iron deficiency is present if serum ferritin is ___ ng/mL (__pmol/L) OR ___ ng/mL (__pmol/L) if also anemic. Iron Deficiency Anemia = serum ferritin <12 ng/mL (27pmol/L) OR <30 ng/mL (67pmol/L) if anemic
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