Where are we?


Part 1
Danielle Thibeadeaux
Fichas por Danielle Thibeadeaux, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Danielle Thibeadeaux
Creado por Danielle Thibeadeaux hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
How do we use animals? 1. Food 2. Fiber 3. Recreation 4. Power 5. Fuel 6. Research 7. Religion 8. Companions 9. Entertainment
How many cattle? 1.4 billion
How many sheep? 1.1 billion
How many chickens? 18.5 billion
How many pigs? 960 million pigs
How many turkeys? 300 million
How many ducks? 1.1 billion
How many horses? 59 million
How many camels? 25 million
How many buffalo? 188 million
How many goats? 870 million
How many donkeys? 44 million
How many mules? 11 million
How many total Kcal/day does the world consume? 2885
What percent of Kcal/day consumed are from animals? 18%
How much total fat(g/day) consumed by the world? 82
What percent of fat is from animals that the world consumes? 45%
How much total protein(g/day) does the world consume? 79
What percent of the protein that the world consumes is from animals? 39%
What are the daily calorie and protein requirements of a 120lbs female? 2000 calories 44g protein
What are the daily calorie and protein requirements of a 155lbs female? 2700 calories 56g
How many people are in the world? 7.1billion
What percent of the world is in agriculture? 37%
How many tractors are in the world? 27.6 million
Percentages of land use worldwide of: 1. Arable 2. Pasture/meadow 3. Forest 4. Unproductive 1. 10% 2. 20% 3. 30% 4. 40%
What percent of land is 'agricultural' and what amount of this is for animals? 30% is agricultural and 2/3 is for animals
What percentage of pasture is completely unsuited to crops and best used by ruminants? 60%
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