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Liesl Marais
Creado por Liesl Marais hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are homographs? Words that have the same spelling, but different meanings.
Which word can mean: sides of a river OR a place to keep your money? Bank
Which word can mean: paper money OR a musical sound? Note
Which word can mean: a green area OR leaving a car somewhere? Park
Which word can mean: to reserve a place OR something with pages? Book
Which word can mean: coins OR to alter something? Change
Which word can mean: something that can cut trees OR observed? Saw
Which word can mean: a water outlet OR to knock lightly? Tap
Which word can mean: a way to score points in rugby OR make an effort? Try
Which word can mean: an instrument that tells the time OR looking at something? Watch
Which word can mean: a sound a dog makes OR the outer layer of a tree? Bark
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