

Echocardiography Fichas sobre Hypertension , creado por Heather Edmonson el 17/09/2018.
Heather Edmonson
Fichas por Heather Edmonson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Heather Edmonson
Creado por Heather Edmonson hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
hypertension the pressure our heart is having to force against
High Blood Pressure (HBP) 140/90
Normal BP is ____ 120/80
__ in ___ adults have hypertension 1 in 3
hypertension leads to LV _____ hypertrophy
Early hypertension has impaired _____ function and preserved _____ function diastolic ; systolic
prolonged hypertension has _____ dysfunction and LV _____ systolic ; dilation
What are the two types of hypertension? Primary and Secondary
_____ hypertension makes up 90-95% of cases and has no causes primary
______ hypertension has many causes including family hx, drugs, smoking, etc. secondary
signs and symptoms of hypertension asymptomatic, headaches, dizziness, palpitations, sweats, anxiety, dyspnea, CP
_____ is a big finding with uncontrolled HTN hypertrophy
HTN is most common cause of ____ _____ diastolic dysfunction
Sclerotic AoV overworking of valve causes thickening
atherosclerosis hardening of arteries
MI myocardial infarction -most common cause of death from HTN
encephalopathy hardening of arteries to brain
retinopathy hardening of arteries to eyes
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
_____ is a strong predictor of HTN when taking measurements LV mass
heart failure with preserved EF is termed ______ hypertensive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
_____ can present identical to dilated cardiac myopathy end stage HTN
treatments of HTN lifestyle, diet, pharmacologic therapy
Pulmonary HTN can be ____ or ____ acute ; chronic (cor pulmonale)
signs and symptoms of pulmonary HTN SOB, exertion dyspnea, fatigue, dizziness/syncope, CP, palpitations, cough, hoarseness, swelling of ankles or feet, coughing blood
Echo findings for pulmonary HTN dilated PA, paradoxical septal motion, septal hypertrophy, RVH, RV dilation
M-mode of PV decreased/absent A dip, mid systolic closure, premature PV opening
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