AAtS Midterm


Post Soviet Sphere
Jacob Geers
Fichas por Jacob Geers, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jacob Geers
Creado por Jacob Geers hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Malevich, Black Square, 1915
Malevich, Suprematist Composition White on White, 1918
Malevich, Suprematist Composition, 1916
Lissitzky, Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge, 1919
Lissitzky, Prouns, 1923
Tantlin, Counter Reliefs, 1918
Tantlin, Model for Monument to the Third International, 1919-1920
Tantlin, Leatlin, 1932
Stepanova, Sports Clothes Designs, 1920s
Stepanova, Textile Design, 1924
Brodsky, V. I. Lenin and Manifestation, 1919
Gerasimov, Lenin on the Tribune, 1930
Vasiliev, Lenin and Stalin, 1924
Brodsky, Towards the Cult of the Leader, 1925
Efanov, An Unforgettable Meeting, 1936-7
Mukhina, The Industrial Worker and the Collective Farm Woman, 1937
Kantor, Informel Painting, 1958
Kantor, Man with Suitcase, 1967
Kantor, Popular Exhibition, 1967
Kantor, Emballage, 1969
Kantor, Panoramic Sea Happening, 1967
Altorjay and Szenytyobi, The Lunch, 1966
Szenytyboi, Sit Out/Be Forbidden, 1972
Koller, Universal Futurological Question, 1972
Koller, Universal Folk Custom, 1978
Koller, Antihappening, 1978
Pinczehelyi, Sickle and Hammer, 1973
Major, Orange Alternative, 1980s
Kwiekulik, The Banana and the Pomegranate, 1986
Kulik, Monument / Pedestal, 1989
Kulik, Inter-National Gothic, 1990
Kulik, The Guardians of the Spire, 1990
Kabakov, The Man Who Flew Into Space From His Apartment, 1968-88
Komar and Melamid, Bolsheviks Returning Home after a Demonstration, 1981
Komar and Melamid, The Origins of Socialist Realism, 1982
Komar and Melamid, Double Self Portrait as Young Pioneers, 1983
Komar and Melamid, Lenin Hails a Cab, 1993
Kosolapov, Lenin Coca-Cola, 1982
Kozyra, Pyramid of Animals, 1993
Kozyra, Olympia, 1996
Kozyra, Bathhouse, 1997
Kozyra, Men's Bathhouse, 1999
Libera, Intimate Rites, 1984
Libera, How to Train the Girls, 1987
Libera, Body Master from Correcting Devices, 1994-97
Abromović, Rhythm 5, 1974
Abramović, Rhythm 0, 1974
Abramović, Lips of Thomas, 1975
Abramović, Balkan Baroque, 1997
Abramović, Balkan Erotic Epic, 2006
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