The Crucible Midterm Review


10th grade English Fichas sobre The Crucible Midterm Review, creado por Jenna Perrotta el 09/01/2019.
Jenna Perrotta
Fichas por Jenna Perrotta, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jenna Perrotta
Creado por Jenna Perrotta hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is wrong with Betty Parris? She cannot move or wake up, she is in a coma like state
What news does Susanna bring from the doctor? She says that there is no cure for Betty's condition.
How does Abigail defend the girls' behavior in the woods? She says they were only dancing
Why is Reverend Parris so worried about his reputation? He is the minister and does not want anyone to think he is practicing witchcraft
What did Parris see in the woods? He saw the girls dancing and Tituba singing Barbados songs, and a frog jumped in the pot
How does Miller explain what really motivated people to accuse people of practicing witchcraft? He said everyone in Salem wanted vengeance on one another for many different reasons so many people were accused of witchcraft
What does Rebecca Nurse think is wrong with the girls? She thinks they are faking witchcraft to get attention
What is the conflict between Parris and Proctor? Proctor questions Parris' beliefs and morals, he thinks Parris is more concerned with his reputation and position rather than practicing his religion
What happens to Elizabeth Proctor in act II? She is arrested for witchcraft and put in jail
What does Proctor want Mary Warren to do to free Elizabeth? He wants her to tell the court that she put the needle in the poppet
Why does Mary Warren refuse to do what Proctor tells her? She thinks Abigail will kill her
Why will Elizabeth not be killed for another year? She is pregnant
Why does John Proctor not want to sign his name on the confession? He does not want to ruin his name and his soul, he would rather die honestly than live a lie
What happens to Reverend Parris at the end of the play? He is fired and his reputation is destroyed
When and where is The Crucible set? Salem, Massachusetts, 1692
Who is the tragic hero of the play? John Proctor
The Crucible is a parallel of the Salem witch hunt and what else? The Communist hunt and the Red Scare
Who is the author of The Crucible? Arthur Miller
What was Giles Corey arrested for? Contempt of court
What did Abigail do at the end of the play? She stole money from Parris and ran away
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