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Creado por Andrea Lladro
hace casi 6 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
El sindicato convocó una huelga para defender las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores | The trade union convened a strike in defence of working conditions for the labourers Trade Union: independent syndicate To convene sth: convocar, reunir : |
To delay or avoid talking about sth difficult or unpleasant. No voy andar con rodeos, no quiero confundirte | To beat around the bush I wont´t beat around the bush, I don´t want to confuse you |
a way of saying that you do not understand something that is said or written | That's Greek to me or It's (all) Greek to me |
Deceive sby playfully; tease sby Tomar el pelo | Getting married, are you pulling my leg??? Are you kidding??? |
Despite criticism, refuse to change your beliefs or actions La canciller alemana se mantiene firme en su postura y dice que Grecia debe cumplir con las condiciones existentes | German Chancellor Angela Merkel sticks to her guns and says that Greece must heed/abide by the existing conditions |
Se trata de un indicador de desigualdades no de privación o dificultades materiales | It indicates inequalities rather than material deprivation or hardship |
Nosotros estamos manteniendo este debate porque, por desgracia es un tema de actualidad el que la mujer de hoy en día no es igual en derechos que el hombre | We hold this debate on the grounds that, unfortunately, it is an ongoing debate, that today's women had not equity in civil rights. |
Debería sensibilizar a este respecto al conjunto de la sociedad, cerciorarse de que se persigue penalmente a los que han perpetrado tales violencias y garantizar asistencia y protección a las víctimas. | It should sensitize society as a whole to this matter, ensure that the perpetrators of such violence are criminally prosecuted and provide assistance and protection to the victims. |
nadie puede negar que claramente estamos en el siglo XXI,en lo que mucha gente llama la Era de la comunicación y que la avanzada tecnología ha llegado para quedarse con nosotros para siempre | Nobody can deny that we are conspicuously in the twenty first century; in as many people call it the Communication Era and the advanced technology has come to stay with us forever. |
No hay vuelta atrás, sin embargo, tal asombroso cambio en nuestro estilo de vida debe considerarse como un arma de doble filo | staggering change in our lifestyle (in state of flux) should be considered a double-edge sword. |
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