AAHI_Card set 1 (Anatomical, Medical Terminology)


Diploma Básico AAHI_S1_2021 Fichas sobre AAHI_Card set 1 (Anatomical, Medical Terminology), creado por Tafe Teachers SB el 23/07/2019.
Tafe Teachers SB
Fichas por Tafe Teachers SB, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Tafe Teachers SB
Creado por Tafe Teachers SB hace más de 5 años
Tafe Teachers SB
Copiado por Tafe Teachers SB hace más de 5 años
Tafe Teachers SB
Copiado por Tafe Teachers SB hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Name 1 What does it contain? Cranial Cavity Brain and pituitary gland
Name 2 What does it contain? Thoracic cavity Lungs, Trachea, Bronchi Heart& Aorta Vena Cava (superior & inferior) Oesophagus Lymph Nodes & Nerves
Name 3 What does it contain? Abdominal Cavity Stomach Small intestine & most of large intestine Liver, gall bladder & bile ducts Pancreas Spleen 2 kidneys
Name 4 What does it contain? Pelvic cavity Sigmoid colon Rectum, anus Bladder, ureters, urethra Female reproductive organs
Name 5 What does it contain? Spinal Cavity Spinal cord CSF
Name 6 (dividing structure) What tissue is it composed of? Diaphragm Muscle
Name 7 Dorsal body cavity
Name 8 What are the three cavities that it comprises of? Ventral body cavity Thoracic Abdominal Pelvic
Identify a Identify some structures found in a RUQ (right upper quadrant) Liver Transverse colon Gall bladder
Identify b Identify some structures found in b LUQ (left upper quadrant) Stomach Spleen Transverse colon
Identify c Identify some structures found in c RLQ (right lower quadrant) Small intestine Ascending colon Cecum Appendix
Identify d Identify some structures found in d LLQ (left lower quadrant) Small intestine Descending colon Sigmoid colon
Identify plane 1 Transverse plane
Identify plane 2 Coronal or Frontal plane
Identify plane 3 Sagittal plane
Identify the body region Cephalic Head
Identify the body region Cranial Upper skull
Identify the body region Facial face
Identify the body region Axillary armpit
Identify the body region Mammary breast
Identify the body region brachial arm (between shoulder and elbow)
Identify the body region cubital elbow
Identify the body region ante-cubital front of elbow
Identify the body region Ante-brachial forearm (between elbow and hand)
Identify the body region Umbilical Navel (belly button)
Identify the body region Carpal wrist
Identify the body region Digits Toes and fingers
Identify the body region Femoral thigh (between hip and knee)
Identify the body region crural leg (between knee and ankle)
Identify the body region Frontal forehead
Identify the body region orbital eye socket
Identify the body region Nasal nose
Identify the body region Buccal cheek
Identify the body region Oral mouth
Identify the body region Thorax, thoracic (chest)
Identify the body region Abdomen
Identify the body region Pelvis, pelvic
Identify the body region Inguinal groin
Identify the body region Cervical neck
Identify the body region Flank lateral
Identify the body region (orange) flank "the flank is lateral to the spine" "my patient is experiencing L) flank pain"
Identify the body region (yellow) sacrum, sacral (site of pressure injuries)
Identify the body region Popliteal back of knee "please check the popliteal pulses"
Identify the body region Plantar sole of foot
Identify the body region Gluteal buttock, bottom
Identify the body region Pedal foot "please check the pedal pulses"
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