Religion Test


Section A Parable [Lazarus]
Bea  Stack
Fichas por Bea Stack, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Bea  Stack
Creado por Bea Stack hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
simplify the story of lazarus Mary Martha and Lazarus were living in Bethany. Lazarus was very sick. Mary called Jesus to preach, he did not leave for two days as he was preaching at the time in Jeruselam Lazarus was in the tomb for 4 days; Jesus resurrected him.
communities of faith community that COMES TOGETHER because the people all share the same religious beliefs e.g Trocaire
service the work the community of faith does what they do to HELP OTHERS.
vision what a community HOPES to do. It is what they see as important and what guides them in their work
leadership the GUIDANCE or HELP a community of faith can give to others it is also how the leader organises the way the community is run.
commitment the PROMISE given by those in the community to be true to it. it is LOYAL and DEDICATION to what the community stands for.
trocaire means compassion. compassion is to be aware of the suffering of others and a wish to try to help others and a wish to try to help them. to love one anther and to treat everyone equally. Irish bishops in the late 90s set up trocaire to show concern for the worlds poorest people. to provide relief. support long projects overseas . raises public awarness of poverty worldwide
SVP aim was to help poor in the slums of paris. set up by fredrick ozanam [20]. aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy
sectarianism the hatred of someone because of their religious beliefs
ecumenism the attempts that christians make to understand each other and to grow together in a more unified way
taize taize is an ecumenical community it is located in france christians all over the world come together thousands gather from all different religions
interfaith dialogue communication and understanding between people from all different major world religions
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