Creado por Bethany Chalvet
hace más de 5 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Multi-tiered systems of Support (MTSS) | A total school improvement framework that uses a multi-tiered approach to academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. provides high-quality instruction frequently, and uses data-based decision making to alter instruction or goals as needed to maximize outcomes for all students (Includes both RTI and PBIS) |
Response to Intervention (RTI) | A multi-tiered approach to instruction and intervention, which requires teachers to continuously monitor student performance in a variety of academic skills and provide appropriate instructional opportunities with progressively greater intensity until students demonstrate academic gains |
Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS) | Similar to RTI, a multi-tiered approach to teaching behavioral expectations in school, providing structure and routines, and maintaining appropriate behavior of children in schools. |
Tier 1 | Core Instruction (80% receive core only) |
Tier 2 | Supplemental Instruction (15% receive tier 1 and 2) |
Tier 3 | Intensive intervention (5% receive tier 1 and 3) |
Oral Language Areas | Form, Content, Use |
Form | Phonology, Morphology, Syntax |
Phonology | The set of rules governing how sounds are used to make syllables |
Morphology | Set of Rules governing of phonemes are combined to make meaning |
Syntax | Linguistic convention to make meaningful sentences or phrases |
Content | Semantics |
Semantics | The linguistic representation of ideas, feelings, relationships. Meaning of words, multiple meanings |
Use | Pragmatics |
Pragmatics | Functions of language, social context (Turn taking, eye contact, inflection) |
Speech or Language Impairments | Articulation disorder, Fluency Disorder, Voice Disorder |
Articulation Disorder | Difficulty making speech sounds |
Fluency Disorder | difficulty with fluid speech |
Voice Disorder | vocal folds, damage or weakness, weak or hoarse voice |
Receptive Language | Understanding the language other people use (Following Directions, Comprehending oral stories) |
Expressive Language | A person's use of language to share thoughts, ideas, feelings (Telling a story, Asking for Help, Having a conversation) |
Emotional or Behavioral Disorders (EBD) | Disorder that affects pro-social skills -behavior is extreme -problem is chronic -behavior is unaccepted because of social or cultural expectations |
EBD Federal Definition | Emotionally disturbed includes an inability to learn not due to intellectual, sensory, or health factors; an inability to maintain satisfactory relationships' inappropriate behavior or feelings; pervasive mood of depression or unhappiness; physical symptoms or fears |
EBD Disorders | Includes: Schizophrenic Excludes: Socially maladjusted |
EBD Definitional Problems | -Lack of precise definitions of mental health and normal behavior -Differences among conceptual models -Imprecise Measurement of emotion and behavior -Emotional and Behavioral disorders often overlap other disabilities -Differences in the professionals who diagnose and serve children and youths |
Broad Dimensions of EBD | Externalizing and Internalizing |
Comorbidity | Occurrence of 2 or more conditions in the same individual |
Causes of EBD | -Biological disorders and diseases -Pathological family relationships -Undesirable experiences at school -Negative cultural influences |
Specific Learning Disability SLD | Largest disability category of all 13 IDEA categories -Boys outnumber girls 2:1 -Characterized by inexplicable difficulty with specific academic skills like reading or writing, despite typical intelligence |
Reading Problems | -Dyslexia -Phonological and phonemic awareness -Decoding - Reading Fluency and comprehension - Prosody |
Dyslexia | disability in reading |
Dysgraphia | disability in writing |
Phonological and phonemic awareness | general ability to recognize and manipulate the sound system of language; predictive of early reading skills like decoding |
Written language disorders | (Dysgraphia) Spelling, handwriting, composition |
Spoken language disorders | Syntax Semantics Pragmatics |
Syntax | grammar |
Semantics | Word meanings |
Pragmatics | Social use of language |
Math Disorders | Dyscalculia |
Learning Startegy Instruction | Explicit instruction in tactics for succeeding in school including approaches to classroom participation, reading, writing, test-taking |
ADHD | a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development, has symptoms presenting in two or more settings, and negatively impacts directly on social, academic, or occupational functioning |
Predominantly Inattentive Type ADHD | difficulty or Lack of ability to form and maintain attention on the target task |
Predominatly Hyperactive Implusive Type | Hyperactivity - lack of ability to limit one's activity level for an extended period of time Implusivity - Inability to think or consider the consequences of a behavior before responding |
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