Creado por Nuria Nácher Soler
hace alrededor de 5 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
VISIBLE LIGHT | Band of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum |
ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM | Continuum of electromagnetic energy produced by electric charges and radiated as waves |
LIGHT | Consisting of small pockets of energy (protons) |
CORNEA | Transparent covering of the front eye. Accounts 80% of eye´s focusing power but can´t adjust its focus |
WAVELENGTH | Distance between the peaks of the electromagnetic waves |
HYPEROPIA | Condition which enables a person to see distant objects clearly but has trouble seeing nearby objects |
TRANSDUCTION | Transformation of light into electricity. Carried out by receptors |
RECEPTORS | Neurons specialized for receiving environmental energy and transforming it into electricity |
RODS AND CONES | Receptors for vision |
OPSINS | Long stands of proteins which loop back and forth across the disc membrane 7 times |
ISOMERIZATION | Change in shape when a photon of light hits the retinal, so it´s stricking out from the opsin. Triggers the transformation of the light entering the eye into electricity in the receptors |
ENZYMES | Biological chemical that in small amounts facilitates chemical reactions |
ENZYME CASCADE | Sequence of reactions triggered by the activated visual pigment molecule |
BLIND SPOT | Area in the retina where there are no receptors. It is where the optic nerve leaves the eye |
DARK ADAPTATION | Process which causes the eye to increase its sensitivity in the dark |
DARK ADAPTATION CURVE | Plot of how visual sensitivity changes in the dark, beginning with when the lights are extinguised |
ROD MONOCHROMATS | People who have no cones due to a genetic defect |
ROD-CONE BREAK | Place where the rods begin to determine the dark adaptation curve |
VISUAL PIGMENT REGENERATION | Process in which the retinal and opsin become rejoined. Occurs more rapidly in the cones that in the rods |
COLOUR | Visual pigment bleaching |
DETACHED RETINA | Condition in which visual pigment can ´t regenerate. The retina has become separated from the pigment epithelium (where it rests on) |
ABSORPTION SPECTRUM | Plot of the amount of light absorbed by a substance vs. the wavelength of the light |
LATERAL INHIBITION | Inhibition transmitted across the retina |
PERCEPTION OF LIGHTNESS | Perception of shades ranging from white to gray to black |
BELONGINGNESS | Principle which states that an area´s appearance is influenced by the part of the surrounding to which the area appears to belong |
NEURAL CONVERGENCE | Property that occurs when one neuron receives signals from many other neurons |
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